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Is Kate Middleton Getting a Butt Bodyguard?

Australia RoyalsKate Middleton obviously needs to be guarded with the highest level of security. Not only is she royalty, which would require intense security in and of itself, she's also basically a celebrity in her own right.

The public is obsessed with everything she wears, any new photos they can see of her and that has obviously made her a pretty intense paparazzi target. When a pap snuck topless photos of her sunbathing and they were published, it basically became an international media scandal.

More recently, the Duchess of Cambridge became the victim of another pervy pap, who snapped a shot of her butt when her dress blew up in the wind - and yep, that was published, too.

While you can't control an unfortunate gust of wind or who might be hiding in the bushes with a camera ready to flash in the event that you accidentally do, there are precautionary measures that can be taken, which is exactly what the Palace is reportedly doing.

According to The Mirror, a "female minder" will be employed to accompany Kate on her shopping trips and to help prevent any more over-exposed photos from being taken. Basically, her butt will now have it's own bodyguard.

We can't really say we blame them, we've seen the questionable measures paparazzi have employed to try to get the high-dollar shots and with Kate being such an icon now, she is obviously highly-sought after.

Following the topless photos in 2012, a statement was issued on the couple's behalf, which said, "This is reminiscent of the worst excesses of the paparazzi during Diana's life and the more upsetting to the duke and duchess for being so."

It is worth noting that British tabloids refused to publish photos from either incident. Unfortunately, that still hasn't stopped some over-eager photogs, who can (and do) still sell to outlets in other countries.
Kate Middleton Looks Immaculate Again As She Steps Out In Scotland

Jenelle Evans Celebrates Baby Shower as Due Date Approaches

Jenelle Evans is super excited about the upcoming birth of her second child. The embattled reality star is pregnant with her boyfriend Nathan Griffith's son and this will be the second child for both of them.

Jenelle has a son, Jace, whom her mother currently has custody of and Nathan has a daughter with his ex, who has primary custody of the little girl.

This child will be living with Jenelle and Nathan and fans are obviously worried for more than a few reasons. Jenelle has had a tumultuous couple of years, to put it lightly, and they've both been in and out of jail since they started dating, which wasn't that long ago.

Either way, baby Kaiser is coming and the reality star celebrated her baby shower this weekend with the baby daddy by her side. "Letting baby Kaiser's balloons gone after the baby shower! @GroundLevelUp more pics later.." she captioned a photo of them.

She also shared this snap of them cutting a blue and gold cake.

Jenelle and Nathan have had some pretty intense fights, but they seem to be getting along much better lately, which we can only hope is a lasting change of pace for the highly-combustible couple.

Their son is due on June 29. Stay tuned for updates.
'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Slams Farrah Abraham's 'Couples Therapy' Show

Where's Kanye? Kim Kardashian Returns Home from Honeymoon Solo

For someone who just got married to a famous rapper at a fort in Florence with fireworks, Kim Kardashian looked awfully blue as she returned to the States solo.

Mrs. West wore all black and a grim expression at LAX as her favorite friends (that'd be the paparazzi) snapped away. Could the E! reality star be upset that her hubby couldn't join her for her trip home? Kanye West reportedly had a previously scheduled concert in Texas.

Or perhaps she didn't love her Irish honeymoon, which included hiking, biking and birdwatching (none of which sound like activities Kim would happily do). KimYe also reportedly went to a movie in Ireland, which is pretty lame and boring for the #worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple's first trip together as newlyweds.

Whatever happened to lounging on a yacht, sipping Dom Perignon and going on designer shopping sprees? Poor Kim.
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Cut Their Honeymoon Short

Shhh, Austin Mahone Reveals 5 Big Secrets, Including How to Get His Attention


Austin Mahone just released his debut EP, The Secret. According to the catchy title track, "Everybody's got a secret." We got a chance to sit down with the "Mmm Yeah" singer, and he let us in on five of his secrets.

The 18-year-old singing sensation revealed that he definitely creeps on some of his fans, aka Mahomies, on social media and told us the best way to get his attention on Twitter. (The secret? WRITING IN ALL CAPS.) He also gave us the inside scoop on his secret celebrity crush, the song he secretly loves to sing in the shower and his secret guilty pleasure.

While Austin shared several of his secrets with us, you probably shouldn't let him in on any of yours! Check out the clip above to find out why.

One thing that Austin definitely isn't keeping a secret: He doesn't text and drive. He partnered with The Allstate Foundation to raise awareness for safe driving amongst teens just like him. For more info and some great tips, visit teensgettheresafe.com.

What song are you not-so-secretly loving from Austin's new EP? Get The Secret on iTunes now and catch Austin on tour this summer.

Justin Bieber Responds to That Racist N-Word Joke Video

Justin BieberJustin Bieber is trying to fix things, fast. The singer landed in some major drama over the weekend when a several-years-old video of him telling a racist joke surfaced.

The Sun published the video of a then-15-year-old Bieber telling people a joke in which he repeatedly said the n-word. It was apparently shot when he was filming his first movie, Never Say Never.

Everyone was talking about the video over the weekend. While he stayed quiet, Justin has since released a statement about the incident, saying he's sorry.

"As a kid, I didn't understand the power of certain words and how they can hurt. I thought it was okay to repeat hurtful words and jokes, but didn't realize at the time that it wasn't funny and that in fact my actions were continuing the ignorance," the statement read.

"Thanks to friends and family I learned from my mistakes and grew up and apologized for those wrongs. Now that these mistakes from the past have become public I need to apologize again to all those I have offended. I'm very sorry. I take my friendships with people of all cultures very seriously and I apologize for offending or hurting anyone with my childish and inexcusable mistake."

Bieber, who happens to have friends all of races, insists that this kind of stuff will never happen again.

"I was a kid then and I am a man now who knows my responsibility to the world and to not make that mistake again. Ignorance has no place in our society and I hope the sharing of my faults can prevent others from making the same mistake in the future. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to say but telling the truth is always what's right."

"Five years ago I made a reckless and immature mistake and I'm grateful to those close to me who helped me learn those lessons as a young man. Once again...I'm sorry."

Justin Bieber Apologizes for Telling Racist Joke

Where's Rihanna? Nicki Minaj Rocks Nipple Pasties, Straddles Drake

Nicki Minaj let loose and let it all hang out over the weekend.

The "Pills N Potions" rapper rocked silver star nipple pasties under a silver mesh top during her performance at Hot 97's Summer Jam, pairing the look with butt-hugging, high waist pants and strappy heels.

And as if that wasn't enough to wow the crowd, Nicki jumped on Drake and wrapped her legs around him as the "Take Care" rapper put his arms around her.

Although the steamy pic does look suspicious and the duo has joked about marrying each other in the past, Nicki said they are just friends, captioning the Drake straddling shot on her Instagram with, "Yall gotta chill. Lol this is my brother."

As for where Rihanna was while the duo was getting intimate (for fun) on stage...she was actually right there. The 31-year-old hip hopper also posted a shot of herself posing with the "Stay" songstress, who is rumored to be Drake's girlfriend.

Nicki has made it no secret that she has a girl crush on Rihanna, whom she said has felt her up more than once. "She fondled me at the MTV Awards and the America Music Awards," Nicki told i-D magazine. "I love her. She's the best fondler ever."

Well then.
Floyd Mayweather Drops $50k for Nicki Minaj Birthday Appearance

Bride Walks Down the Aisle Dragging Newborn Baby on Her Dress

Tenn. Bride Attaches Her Baby To Her Wedding Dress

Here...comes...the...what the hell?!

Every bride wants to do something unique on her wedding day so that her wedding stands out from all of the others. Some get a cool cake, or do a choreographed dance with their wedding party, KimYe's spanned across two countries - there are all kinds of things you can do to make your big day memorable for your guests.

This, however, is not one of them. Shona Carter-Brooks decided she needed to do something different to her Vera Wang gown, so she turned the long, flowing, traditional train into a complete crazy train.

The bride walked down the aisle dragging her newborn baby behind her. "Our 1 month old was awake and well secured on my train," she wrote as part of an intensely-religious rant on her Facebook page.

Hey, the religious thing is her business and we're totally cool with whoever believes whatever, but what we're NOT cool with is dragging a freaking baby on the ground behind you while you walk down the aisle - or anywhere, for that matter.

Apparently, there are a lot of people who weren't cool with her big day display. In fact, many have argued that she should be reported to child protective services. What do you guys think?

Kate Upton Becomes the Latest Photoshop Fail Victim


All right, there are a couple things wrong with this situation. Harper's Bazaar tweeted this link to their article about how Kate Upton got her fabulous BIKINI body. So, we're kinda curious as to why they used a picture of her NOT in a bikini, but that quickly became the least of our worries.

In the article, Kate's trainer David Kirsch talks all about the model's strict fitness regimen, including intense circuit training, boxing and a whole bunch of other things. He also says she's on a no-carb, no sugar diet, which sounds incredibly boring, but whatever.

What he didn't mention, however, was one other little secret that helps Kate's body bikini (or one-piece swimsuit) ready. Photoshop.

Look closely at Kate's right arm (on the left side of the photo). We don't know any amount of circuit training or carb-cutting that could actually remove an entire chunk of one's armpit. Maybe we're just not up on the latest diet and fitness crazes, but this is taking targeting specific body parts to the next level.

Ironically, Kate is all about embracing your body, flaws and all, so we can't imagine she appreciates the work of this heavy-handed photo editor any more than we do.

Kate Upton: Of Course I Love My Body. I'm Hot, You Idiots

Harry Styles Naked Pic? This is How Harry Watches Boxing, of Course

harry styles naked boxing picBe still our little hearts. A Harry Styles naked pic has landed online and it's not the Photoshop fakey-fake variety either. Nope, this is stripped down Harry, sitting around watching boxing. Like you do.

Harry's cousin, Matty Selley posted the pic on Twitter, writing: "Just watch the fight from last night! Class! @Concept_Ben @Harry_Styles."

And it's quite revealing, we'd say. Like, almost all of Harry is out there for everyone to see...with the exception of his bits and pieces being a bit covered. Then again, we're guessing he's really just wearing some tiny underwear and it's all just cleverly concealed.

Maybe a thong? We know how Harry likes thong undies, after all.

One Direction Get Soaked on Stage

Elephant Jumps at Epic Photo-Op, Snaps the Perfect Selfie


Kim Kardashian tried to take a selfie with an elephant - and we all know how that turned out - so, this guy played it safe and just let the elephant snap the selfie by himself.

Not that he meant to, of course, it just sort of turned out that way.

Scott Brierley was visiting West Midlands Safari Park in Bewdley, Worcestershire and he accidentally dropped his phone as he was passing by the elephant exhibit. The fast-acting elephant, named Latabe, quickly jumped on the photo-op and snapped a selfie.

"I really couldn't believe when the iPhone came back, I pressed the centre button to check it was still working and wow there it was - me and my friend were in shock," he told the UK's Express. "The elephant had taken two pictures, but the second isn't very good." Typical...

While this may have been the first elephant selfie ever, this guy obviously had done his research - even elephants have a cutting room floor when it comes to their selfie-snapping. Now, if only he had an Instagram account so he could throw a thousand hashtags on that baby (#nofilter and #makeupfreeselfie, for starters), he'd be golden.
The Evolution Of Selfies

Who Knew Amanda Seyfried Could Rap? See Her Spit Rhymes

Amanda Seyfried: actress, model, singer...rapper? Sure, we knew she had some impressive pipes when we saw her sing in Mamma Mia and Les Miserables, but we had no clue that the girl can also bust a rhyme.

It all started during an appearance on BBC Radio, where the host played a clip of Hugh Jackman rapping for Amanda and her A Million Ways to Die in the West costar Seth MacFarlane. The 28-year-old, who apparently practices her rap skillz at karaoke bars with Anne Hathaway, insisted she could do better before deciding to show off her lyrical flow right then and there.

Watch as Amanda awkwardly yet adorably raps to "It's All Over" by 5ive as Seth looks a bit embarrassed for her. Sure, she misses some words but she gets a gold star for trying, unlike Seth, who opts to keep his trap shut and his rap game to himself.

What do you think of Amanda's freestyle flow?
Amanda Seyfried on Her Cover Shoot and Beauty Choices

Chris Brown Released from Prison

People Chris BrownChris Brown is out of jail.

The "Loyal" singer was released from a Los Angeles County jail Monday, after a 3-month stint behind bars, according to CNN.

After admitting to violating his probation, Chris was ordered to serve 365 days in jail. He received credit for 234 days for previous jail time served and for his rehab stint, which lessened hit time behind bars.

The violation probation stemmed from an alleged assault last year in Washington D.C., in which he and his bodyguard Christopher Hollosy were accused of beating a man who tried to take a picture with Chris. The music artist was later charged with misdemeanor assault. That case that is still pending.

Following that, on May 9, Superior Court Judge James R. Brandlin sentenced Chris to serve an additional 131 days in jail, but once he received credit for good behavior, it was expected that he would be released much sooner.

The singer isn't completely off the hook though.

In addition to his pending assault case, Judge Brandlin also said Brown had to complete what was left of his 1,000 hours of community service sentence once he was released from jail. As of early February, the singer had 800 (!) hours remaining, according to Fox News.
Chris Brown -- I'm Never, Ever Going Back To Jail

Is Angelina Jolie Quitting Acting?

World Premiere Of Disney's Angelina Jolie's next big role could be her last.

After confirming she's been working on a film about Cleopatra, the Oscar winner hinted that it may be the final movie in which she stars.

"We've been working on it," she told BBC Radio Five Live. "There's been lots of different ideas of directors and lots of different discussions. The script has been written by Eric Roth, who is a dear friend and a brilliant writer."

Adding that the role hasn't been an easy one to take on, Angelina added, "[Cleopatra]'s complicated, it's complicated to get this one right. I think we're getting there. It's getting close. I imagine the preparation for it is going to be big. It's one of those that you think maybe that's the one you put everything into and that's where you end it, that's where you finish - in a great way. What could you do beyond that one?"

The actress hasn't exactly kept quiet about wanting to step away from acting, though.

Angelina, who is having major success with her latest film Maleficent, said at a press conference in May that she wanted to give up acting to focus on directing and humanitarian work.

"I've had a wonderful career and I'm very happy to have had all the opportunities to tell stories and work for as long as I have," she said. "I'm sure there will be more films but I am happy I am able to be selective and have fun with characters like this but I would like to focus on writing and directing and above all I would like to focus more on my work with the UN."

We can't help but hope she changes her mind.
What's Trending Today - June 2, 2014

Brad Paisley Takes Selfie With Westboro Baptist Church Members as They Picket His Show

Brad PaisleyFunny guy, country singer Brad Paisley handed Westboro Baptist Church protestors, picketing outside his Kansas show, a total awkward moment when he stopped and snapped a selfie with them.

It all went down on Sunday, June 1, when Brad happened to drive by the crazies posted up outside his concert. That's when he got out and snapped the selife with them. Uh, awkward...

In his typical jokester fashion, Brad posted the pic on Instagram for all of his fans to see. You could easily see the protestors' signs with messages like "God hates drunks" and "sin breeds violence"...along with his grin in the pic.

Brad captioned the photo, "Westboro Baptist Selfie!! Or west-Burro(ass) selfie. Hopefully they can hear the show out here. We'll play loud."

Along with the snapshot, he posted two videos of himself as he prepared to take the photo with the haters. Your thoughts on Brad's selfie?

Rihanna Wears Next to Nothing to Pick Up Her CFDA Fashion Icon Award

2014 CFDA Fashion Awards - ArrivalsTalk about stealing the show.

Rihanna nearly showed off her birthday suit at the CFDA Awards, when she showed up at the event Monday night rocking a sheer, sparkly floor-length dress that revealed her boobs and her toned figure.

Had it not been for the cream fur shawl she used to cover her privates, we would've seen a whole lot more.

The "Stay" songstress was on hand to pick up her Fashion Icon Award, which she teared up talking about, when she discussed the honor with fashion guru and Vogue contributing editor André Leon Talley at the Mat Ball a couple of weeks ago.

"Honestly [I'm] very honored," she said. "Humbled at the same time. I can't believe it when I think about where I started and where I came from, being from the islands. Fashion was something fun and a way for me to express myself, it was daring and I just fell into it."

The award is given to one fashionable star each year whose style has had a huge impact on pop culture around the world, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Johnny Depp, Lady Gaga, and Nicole Kidman are just a few of the big names that have received the honor.
Which Artist Charges the Most for a Performance?

Usher Continues 'Voice' Celebration With Epic Pool Jump - Watch!

Blake Shelton, Shakira and Adam Levine must be really tired of Usher at this point.

The "Good Kisser" crooner is still rubbing in his Voice win, this time celebrating his victory with a big jump in the pool with an inflatable dolphin.

"Don't you hate it when people randomly become kids as soon as they see a pool," Usher said in an Instavideo, before proceeding to run full speed through his house and jump in the pool in swim trunks yelling, "cannonball!"

"Some people just don't know how to act #Friday #DontYouHate #iWonTheVoice," Usher captioned the clip.

Days before posting his pool jump, Usher posted a photo and video of himself on Instagram cooking breakfast in his underwear-which he said he would do if he won the show.

"You guys kept up your end of the bargain, and now I guess I have to do my part," the 35-year-old singer says in then clip, as he showed off his chiseled bod while cooking eggs in a frying pan. "So, what would you like for breakfast? I prefer Tuscan eggs."

Usher first posted the challenge on Facebook before the finale, writing, "If Josh Kaufman WINS The Voice...I will prove I cook in my underwear!" he wrote.

Pardon us while we write Josh a thank you note.
Usher - Mini Biography

Vanessa Hudgens Pulls a Kylie Jenner, Debuts Blue Hair

Vanessa Hudgens blue hair
Vanessa Hudgens is the latest leading Hollywood lady to get the blues...in her hair, that is. The High School Musical starlet showed off her new hue, which features blue ombre ends a la Kylie Jenner, on Instagram.

"She would be half a planet away, floating in a turquoise sea, dancing by moonlight to flamenco guitar. -Janet Fitch, White Oleander," she captioned the shot, where she also rocks a matching huge floral headdress (did no one tell her Coachella's over?).

The Spring Breakers actress is set to be a bridesmaid in her former costar's Ashely Tisdale's wedding, and it seems she'll keep the striking hue for the big day, just like Kylie did for Kim's nuptials to Kanye West.

How do you like Vanessa's mermaid-esque hair? Do you prefer her version or Kylie's?
Kylie Jenner's Family Furious She Dyed Hair Blue Before Kim's Wedding

Harry Styles Tinder Profile Rumor Shot Down by One Direction Rep

Harry Styles on TinderDoes Harry Styles have a Tinder profile? Nope, turns out it's just the latest rumor about the One Direction star that started flying after a student said she was matched with Harry. A 1D rep was quick to shoot it down before it got any momentum though.

As if Harry needs any help with dating...

University newspaper The Tab reported: "One Direction's Harry Styles is on Tinder, and it looks like he wanted to get it on with Newcastle students." The article's author added, "1D were in Newcastle to play a gig, but it looks like cheeky chappy Harry had more than singing on his mind."

While there were screengrabs of Harry's profile showing "three intimate snaps as well as the bio 'All over the place,'" it seems it would be pretty easy to pretend to be Harry.

And, sure enough, a One Direction rep told GossipCop.com "there's no truth" to the rumor and Harry is "not on Tinder."

Harry Styles Is on a

Father and Daughter "Love Is An Open Door" Lip Sync the Cutest 'Frozen' Lip Dub of All?

Father and daughter Love Is An Open Door lip sync videoJust when we think there couldn't possibly be another Frozen cover or lip dub...well, here comes another one. And we know, there's always the promise that this one is better/cuter/funnier, but in this case, it's true. This one is probably more adorable than all of the others that came before it.

Watch as daddy and daughter get their Frozen "Love Is An Open Door" groove on with the sweet duet and let us know what you think. This latest Frozen viral video is just so over-the-top cute that it warms even the most frozen of stone-cold hearts.

Did Kim Kardashian Hate Her Honeymoon?

Kanye West Sighting In PragueKim Kardashian arrived back in Los Angeles solo after her honeymoon with hubby Kanye West. Kim was definitely looking a little down in the dumps. It seemed kind of strange for a newlywed (who happened to have one of the greatest weddings ever) to be looking so bummed, but we figured maybe it was just jet lag from the long flight home.

As soon as the reality star touched down in her hometown, it was business as usual, with her tweeting this message to her 21 million followers, "Had the best most relaxing romantic honeymoon in Ireland & Prague! Missed my baby girl so much! Excited to be home to squeeze her so tight!"

Sure, it sounds relaxing because the newlyweds didn't really do a whole heck of a lot and the things they did do kind of sounded like a snooze like birdwatching, biking and going to a movie.

Sounds pretty boring, right? Sounds like maybe Kim thought so, too. According to a report by RadarOnline, Kim called momager Kris Jenner from her honeymoon and complained that she was bored.

"She complained during phone calls to Kris that she was bored and just wanted to go shopping, but the lack of high end retailers really irked her," a source told the site. "Kris tried to tell Kim to just relax and enjoy it, but she wasn't having it. Kanye had planned an outing in Dublin that included a private tour of Trinity College, but Kim persuaded him not to go."

Apparently, Yeezy also wanted to visit some museums, but Kim wasn't down with that, either. 'Ye is obviously new to this whole husband thing. All he needed to do was tell her about the museum SHOPS and it would have been a done deal. Also, imagine all the cool selfies you could take in a museum...marriage is all about compromise, guys.
Kimye Makes First Public Honeymoon Appearance In Ireland
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