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Ariana Grande and Jennette McCurdy Feuding? Jennette Rants About Dumping Bad Friend

Ariana Grande and Jennette McCurdy beefAre Sam & Cat stars Jennette McCurdy and Ariana Grande fighting? While we never did hear what became of the Nickelodeon series (Jennette seemed to have a beef with the network), this new rant from the former iCarly star sounds like she may be talking about Ariana. And it ain't pretty.

Did Jennette dump Ariana as a friend? She definitely laid down a big truth bomb on TwitLonger about a bad friend - and many are connecting the dots to Ari. Does this mean Sam and Cat is completely dunzo?

To be fair, this take on friendship gone sour could be about anyone and not necessarily Ariana. After all, she never names the person. Either way, someone burned Jennette badly as a friend.

Jennette wrote:

"@ itsamccurdian . I actually wrote something about the topic of fake friends a while back but it was never published! Here it is, my dear...

Letting Go of Someone

The title of this article sounds like I'm writing about coping with the death of a loved one. Rest assured, it won't be that morbid. Sorry I'm bad at naming things...

This article is about knowing when to let go of a bad "friendship." There seem to be a lot of articles floating around the web right now that provide tips for ditching this ambiguous "trouble friend", so I wanted to provide my take on the matter, with a very personal example.

I had this "friend". We had fun together in the first few months of our friendship. We ate at cool restaurants that she wanted to eat at, went to fun amusement parks and rode the rides she wanted to ride, and had sleepovers every couple of weeks where we would watch movies she wanted to watch. I enjoyed her company because she was fun and energetic, but I had some reservations about how much I could trust her because she seemed to be a leech for drama and gossip. I decided the good outweighed the bad, so I continued hanging out with her for a few months until our friendship slowly fizzled out.

Fast forward to a year or so later and we were back on the map as friends. Not those first tier friends who tell each other everything and who would jump in front of a bus for each other, but solid second tier friends I would say. I'm not even sure how we fell back into being friends. It just sort of... happened.

Before I know it, we were back to hanging out... doing exactly what this girl wanted to do. I felt like every time I hung out with her I was in quicksand. Being around her took my identity because everything in her world became just that... "Her world". It was really starting to bug me. I took a step back and was met with questions from her end: "Why aren't we better friends?" "What happened to our friendship?" "Where did you go?" "Did I do something wrong?"

Well, (insert name here), here are the answers to your questions...

We aren't better friends because being friends with you takes the "better" out of me. In fact, I might possibly be the worst version of myself when I'm around you.

As for what happened to our friendship, it faded once through happenstance and it is happening this time through my stance. I'm standing up for myself. I'm not playing your games, letting you manipulate me, and succumbing to your twisted perception of reality.

Where did I go? As far away from you as I can get. You won't be hearing from me anymore because sweetheart, being a friend to you was doing so much more for you than it was doing for me. You sucked the life right out of me, and I want my life back.

Did you do something wrong? Yes and no. I'm not sure whether you intentionally did something wrong or not, because I have always been a little unclear on what exactly your intentions are. But you did do something wrong in the way you did not treat me right. You disrespected me, disregarded me, and made me feel small by having to always make yourself seem so big.

So for these sincere reasons, I am officially dropping you as a friend. If I see you, I won't turn the other way and run (even though I want to). Instead, I'll just smile and end the conversation as quickly as possible, because no offense, but I don't want any of you rubbing off on me. Actually, that's pretty offensive. Oh well."


As for those saying this is definitely about Ariana, consider this interview with Nick.com, where Jennette said: "Ariana and I love going to amusement parks together or having movie marathons at her house. We hang out all the time! Every girls' night needs a funny movie and a good conversation... My friends and I also love picking outfits out for each other to try on at slumber parties. It's so fun."

There's mention of sleepovers, movies and amusement parks in Jennette's rant...hmmm.

And one final thing to consider, Ariana and Victoria Justice reportedly had a falling out as well, reinforced by Ari said on ask.com: "Sweetheart the only reason Victorius ended is 1 girl didn't want to do it. She chose to do a solo tour instead of a cast tour. I'm sick of this bs."

Victoria tweeted in response: "Some people would throw some1 that they consider a friend under the bus just 2 make themselves look good #StopBeingAPhony #IfTheyOnlyKnew"

Sounds like Ariana has been part of friend drama before.

5 Highlights from Ariana Grande's 'Problem' Music Video with Iggy Azalea

See Kylie Jenner Play Dead in Her and Kendall's Acting Debut

Kendall and Kylie Jenner are ready to make you scream on June 15. The Jenner sisters are cohosting the MuchMusic Video Awards in Canada, and they make their acting debut in this promotional trailer.

See Kylie try to scare Kendall by playing dead, complete with a bloody knife nearby, but Kendall's not having it. "Nice try," she says to her little sister.

Next, the model tries to sneak up on Kylie with a chainsaw, with no success. But they're not switching from reality tv to horror movies...the video is all tied to the "Save your screams" tagline for the awards (although we think fans will be screaming with excitement, not fear, come June 15).

Hosting the music awards isn't the only big project these two are promoting. They also just released their very first fiction book entitled Rebels: City of Indra. So much for summer vacation! Check back next week when Kendall and Kylie will be Cambio guest editors and share exclusive scoop straight from the source about plastic surgery rumors, Kendall's new pad and much more.
Kylie Jenner's Most Liked Photos On Instagram

In Case You Were Wondering Just How Much Farrah Abraham Loves Herself, Here's Your Answer

Farrah Abraham Farrah "I'm not a porn star" Abraham had a special surprise for guests at her birthday party over the weekend.

At what had been advertised as the "23rd sexiest birthday bash ever" (which totally left us wondering about the other 22), Farrah gave party-goers a sneak peek of her new book and also a little something extra.

The VIP section of the club featured items from Farrah's sex toy line, including three molds of her very own vagina, as part of the "decor." That's right, while most of us opt for plastic plates or streamers in our favorite color, Farrah decorated with her favorite thing in the whole entire world - her vagina.

Most party-goers would have been a little weirded out by the sex tape star's choice of decor, but Farrah's party pals were not most party-goers. In addition to two porn stars, the party was also attended by a bunch of male strippers from Dallas. Sounds like a pretty classy evening.

Despite the sexual nature of the party and Farrah's lady parts being put on full display, RadarOnline reports that the reality star went home alone after the big bash.

Happy birthday, Farrah...
Farrah Abraham: Sex Tape Novel Is My Next Step To 'Portfolio Of Literacy'

Simon Cowell on Zouis Pot Smoking Video: "I Hope the Fans Stay Loyal"

Simon Cowell supports One Direction after pot smoking videoSince the One Direction pot smoking video leaked last week (well, Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik smoking weed, specifically), we had to wonder if there would be any fallout or a scrambling of damage control to keep the fandom happy.

Turns out, not a lot has gone down - besides reports that Harry's pissed (doubtful), and fans/parents are up in arms (likely) and even a little reaction from Liam Payne, bless his heart.

Now Simon Cowell, who One Direction owe a debt of gratitude to, is speaking out on the matter. Turns out, he's got their back. What else would you expect, really?

Simon told BBC Newsbeat "I can't really comment on that. What I can say, because I've worked with the boys for a long time, [is] they are the hardest working boys I've ever worked with. They still haven't changed, they're really respectful to their fans, they're hard working, a great British export. I hope the fans stay loyal. That's all I can really say."

He also explained that the 1D guys will prevail, noting: "I've worked with a lot of artists, who actually do lose the plot, [who] do lose respect for their fans and forget about who took them there. They've never done that. You know, they really do love their fans so I can only talk about my own personal relationship with them and they have been a joy to work with."

Simon Cowell Hopes Fans 'Stay Loyal' to One Direction

A Selfie With a View: Photographer Snaps Pic Atop Christ the Redeemer Statue

This is insanity! This photographer was in Rio De Janeiro documenting the preparations for the World Cup and he decided to do a little sightseeing. Fortunately for us, Christ the Redeemer statue was one of the stops on his list.

Most people just take pictures OF the statue and the incredible view that can be seen from the base, but this photographer took things a step further. A lot of steps further, actually.

After climbing up the entire 98 feet of the statue (with the help of two high-wire workmen), Lee Thompson peeked out from the top of the crown and couldn't believe his eyes.

He writes on his website:

My heart was pounding with excitement and I couldn't wait another second. As I popped my head out of the hole in Jesus' crown, I was in total and utter awe as my eyes met with a vast panorama that quite literally took my breath away. Talk about a religious experience! I've never been afraid of heights or tight spaces, but experiencing acrophobia, claustrophobia and profound awe at the same time was something truly remarkable.

He also posted this absolutely insane video from the whole excursion. Since we're afraid of heights, we're happy to appreciate his adventure from the comfort of our computers and while we had to cover our eyes at some parts, we can't deny that it's crazy cool.

Yup, That's One of Your Favorite Male Actors Playing a Grandmother


You've seen funny old ladies do movie reviews, twerk and even critique Beyonce's latest video, but you haven't seen one...do the weather.

Actor David Krumholtz, who some of you may best know from classics like Santa Clause and 10 Things I Hate About You, has transformed himself into an old Jewish grandmother named Gigi to give you your daily weather report. Here, David takes us behind the (four-and-a-half-hour) costume change as we get to know Gigi a little better.

C: Was Gigi your idea?
DK: "It was actually the idea of my buddy Ricky and a couple other guys. Ricky called me and said 'Hey, you do an old Jewish lady impression right?' and I said 'Yeah, I do. Kinda sorta I guess.' He said 'Would you want to do it?' and I said 'Yeah, but I don't want to do it if I'm in drag because then it's just kind of stupid' so I asked if there's any way we could get prosthetic make-up done and I didn't mean a full mask, just a couple pieces but before you know it we got the guy who did Bad Grandpa and I became this old lady. I enjoy being her much more than I enjoy being myself."

C: How long does it actually take to become Gigi?
DK: "The whole thing took four and a half hours. It was the first time any of us had tried it out and it just came together so nicely. Towards the end of it, when she started coming to life, she looked a little or maybe a lot like my grandmother who had passed away about 20 years ago. The impression I'm doing- the voice, the character is based on her but I didn't expect to look like her. I kind of got a little choked up."

C: Where does Gigi live?
DK: "She lives in Boca Raton, Florida. If you watch enough of the videos she'll tell you that and hold it over you about how great her weather is compared to everybody else's. She has sunshine almost every day of the year. Her thing is, Why wouldn't you move to Boca? Why would you sit in the cold?"

C: What does Gigi think of the weather in Hollywood? And Hollywood in general?
DK: "I'm sure she thinks it's fine. Maybe a little hazardous and surrounded by a bunch of Hollywood actresses who are fake and she's all real, all woman. Nothing is fake about her, so if you want to be around a real person, stay out of Hollywood."

C: Gigi's voice is quite masculine.
DK: "That was kind of part of the deal. She smoked for 30 years, so she has a bit of a raspy feel. But she quit smoking 2 years ago and good for her because it added a few good years to her life and hopefully she'll be around for a long time annoying people and telling them what the weather is."

C: Biggest challenge of becoming Gigi?
DK: "The biggest challenge is not going up to every man and hitting on them. I'm heterosexual, but its so awesome when you dress up as anything or another gender because people look at you like a woman. So it was great kind of flirting with the young men on set and going straight up to them and saying 'If I was 30 years younger, I would rock your world. Believe me.' I think I did sexually harass a couple of men on set."

C: Has Gigi ever stepped out in public?
DK: "We only did it one time and we were in a place like a warehouse where there was nothing around, but we were like 'Aw man this would be so awesome if I could get in the car and drive to a convenient store and see what happens.' Maybe next time."

C: Did you pre-tape all the different weather in one day?
DK: "We filmed 35 types that day, it took about 4 hours to film cause it's just me sitting on my lounge chair. And you think 'Well there can't be more than 35 types of weather' but you can really get more specific with it and hopefully we get to do more and cover every little kind of change in the weather."

C: You started acting at a young age, what's the secret to longevity in this business?
DK: "Niceness. I've worked with some really talented people who aren't very nice and they don't work for a long time. And I've worked with some mediocre people, maybe myself included, that have worked consistently and I think it's just professionalism and niceness. And sort of being aware of the privilege of what we get to do. I'm not shoveling shit, this is kindergarten. That privilege has never been lost on me and I bring that spirit and attitude to every job I do."

C: You actually gave the movie Superbad its title. Were there any other alternatives?
DK: "I don't think there were. I might be wrong with this one, but it was just called 'Untitled Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg Project.' Superbad was a name that stuck from very early on. It's cool that the movie is kind of a classic and people love it. Superbad doesn't really imply anything, but it works perfectly for the movie. I'm glad they kept it and went with it."

C: Any future projects that you can tell us about?
DK: "I'm doing a thing right now called Sausage Party, which is also written by Seth and Evan. It should be out sometime next summer. It's CGI animated, sort of like Toy Story, but really dirty. There's a bunch of food trying to escape a super market. And I play a lavash wrap, do you know what that is? It's basically a middle eastern flour tortilla. I play that."

Inspired by "Slenderman," Two 12-Year-Old Wisconsin Girls Stab Classmate 19 Times After Sleepover

This is seriously one of the craziest, creepiest things ever. Two 12-year-old Wisconsin girls invited their friend to a slumber party before they lured her into the woods and stabbed her 19 times, and it was all for a mythological demonic character called Slenderman.

Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, both only 12, were charged as adults in Waukesha County Court on Monday and had plotted to kill their friend since February. They actually attempted their evil plot last weekend to become "proxies" to Slenderman, a paranormal fictional character often featured on CreepyPastaWiki, a horror fiction site.

Morgan and Anissa invited their friend over for a slumber party and allegedly wanted to kill their friend in her sleep to demonstrate their dedication to Slender, who they thought was real, before taking her body to his mansion, which they believed was in Wisconsin's Nicolet National Forest.

But they changed their plan, deciding instead to lure her into the woods the following day after their sleepover to commit the crime. They suggested playing hide and seek in the woods and brought along a 5-inch knife, which they both used to stab their friend 19 times in the legs, arms and torso. Miraculously, she survived the brutal attack and is in stable condition after being found by a cyclist.

CreepyPasta released a statement saying they're not to blame for this horrifying incident. "We are a literature site, not a satanic cult," they said. "There is a line between fiction and reality, and it is up to you to realize where the line."

It's a powerful reminder for parents to monitor what their kids are looking at online, and cautionary tale to be careful what you read and believe, particularly if you're young and impressionable. The girls face up to 65 years in prison and are being held on $500,000 bail.
Two Arrested In Stabbing Of 12-Year-Old Allegedly Inspired By Horror Story

Swimsuit Company Recreates Sports Illustrated Poses With Plus-Size Models

It's that time of year again! Bikini season is officially upon us and if there is one thing that is capable of crushing every woman's spirit, it's the moment she slips into a swimsuit for the first time every summer.

To make matters worse, we are inundated with images of these gorgeous celebrities and models flaunting their impossibly tiny bikini bodies and even the most confident girls can't help but feel a little bit bad about themselves.

Well, this company is trying to redefine the idea of what a woman's beach body should look like and they've done it in the most amazing way. They have actually recreated some of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit poses with plus-size models (aka regular-sized women) and the pics are positively beautiful.

The fact that some of these models can even be called "plus-size" is, in and of itself, a pretty sad statement about the current standards we hold women to. But you know what? Call it whatever you want, the fact of the matter is that what this company is doing is absolutely incredible.

Ladies, please scroll through these photos to see what REAL bodies look like in bikinis.

The Best Plus Size Models

Miranda Lambert Covers 'Rolling Stone' Country Issue: Talks Beyonce Obsession, Chad Kroeger Bar Fight

Miranda LambertSexy alert! Miranda Lambert will have you thinkin' "somethin' bad" when you see her smoking hot, new Rolling Stone Country Issue cover. Not only does she flaunt her new body on it, but she does it in sexy daisy dukes and a white tank. Can't get anymore country than that.

During the mag's interview, Miranda opened up about her Beyoncé obsession. "She's a girl from Houston, and she worked her butt off to get where she is," she said.

She also talked about her relationship with hubby Blake Shelton and their quick rise to fame. "One day we were country singers, and the next we're on the front of the tabloids," she said. "I'm, like, really magical. I've been pregnant for two and a half years."

Don't let Miranda's humor and pretty face fool you, though. According to Blake, she's not afraid to throwdown if need be. "People always try to pop off or call her bluff at bars," her husband admitted. "One of them, I don't want to say the guy's name, but he's the lead singer of a very popular rock band. His initials are C.K." Rolling Stone said that Blake's referring to Nickelback's Chad Kroeger there.

Check out Miranda's Rolling Stone Country Issue when it hits stands on Friday. Until then, check out the newly launched site for RollingStoneCountry.com. What do you think about her sexy cover?

Miranda Lambert Says She Will Never Confirm Her Pregnancy

Real or Fake? Guy Supposedly Faints While Prank Is Being Played on Him


We really, really want this to be real because we totally laughed our a**es off when we watched the video, but the skeptic in us just can't help but wonder...

So, these guys are always playing pranks - on each other, on other people, they're basically professional pranksters. In fact, they're the same guys that brought us the yoga pants prank and a whole slew of other shenanigans that went viral.

That being the case, we're pretty curious as to how this turned out the way it did. In their newest video, "Devil Prank," the fouseyTUBE guys turned the cameras around on one of their own, Yousef.

We won't tell you how it happened (cuz we don't wanna spoil the surprise), but at some point during the prank, Yousef was apparently scared so badly, he fainted and when he woke up, he was crying. Now, how would a professional prankster not always be on guard for that kind of thing?

Also, as one commenter on the Huffington Post's page pointed out, there is the fact that Yousef's hat was facing forward before he fell and is suddenly backwards when he's on the ground. Either the hat dislodged and fell perfectly back(wards) into place when he took a dive, or we're the ones getting pranked.

What do you guys think? Was Yousef pranked...or were the almost 2 million people who have already watched the video?
High School Principal Suspended For Allowing Senior Prank

Is Cara Delevingne Pregnant? Supermodel Shows Off Her Baby Bump

Cara Delevingne pregnant baby bumpCara Delevinge recently debuted her new baby bunny on Instagram, but does the supermodel actually have a real baby on board?

She got her 5 million plus followers in a frenzy when she posted this shot of herself topless with an impressive baby bump today. "Everyone check out @in_pig for all of your maternity needs," she captioned the pic.

Considering the last love interest we saw Cara with was a female, it would be pretty interesting if she was really expecting, but turns out she's just messing with us. If you click over to the account she tagged, you can see that the bump was a fake. There's a "before" and "after" shot posted of her with and without the prosthetic tummy.

We must say that the Brit babe looks pretty cute preggers though! Did Cara manage to fool you?
Michelle Rodriguez & Cara Delevingne's Topless Make Out

The Elephant Is Not Alone: See These Other Selfie-Snapping Animals

This week, the Internet went crazy when an elephant accidentally snapped a selfie after a wildlife park visitor dropped his cell phone. Turns out, this was not the first (or the second or the third) animal selfie. In fact, some of these other animal selfies were way more awesome than the elephant's. Check 'em out. 

Miley Cyrus' Wax Figure Revealed at Madame Tussauds in Berlin: Terrific or Terrifying?

Miley CyrusMiley Cyrus is in the house, Berlin. No,wait, that's actually the twerker's new wax figure at Madame Tussauds.

The infamous wax museum just revealed their most recent Miley exhibit in Germany, and it creepishly looks exactly like the singer. From the short, platinum hair to her big teeth, the figure is pretty much right on. It's probably the most realistic looking wax figure we've seen from these guys so far.

Surprisingly the Miley wax figure doesn't show off her signature tongue. It is sporting a sexy, white leotard, though.

Check out Miley's new wax figure at Madame Tussauds above. Is it terrific or terrifying? Think it looks like her?

Miley Cyrus' Stolen Maserati Is Found

Harry Styles Loses Voice During Concert: Is Harry on Vocal Rest?

Harry Styles sick loses voice vocal restWell, poor little Harry Styles. Seems he was a bit sick at the recent One Direction concert in Manchester, so he got by with a little help from his friends.

The great thing about a boyband? There's plenty of coverage and you know one of them is more than happy to step in and sing one of Hazza's juicy parts.

How sick was Harry? Just a bit under-the-weather, as his voice gave out a few times. And, as we all know, that's just tragic.

At one point, the crowd was more than happy to help, as Harry took a water break during "Story of My Life" to recover. And lucky Niall got to take on Harry's part in "You & I." Juicy, indeed.

At tonight's show in Edinburgh, Harry wasn't singing to save his voice, but is he on vocal rest? Fans are understandably worried.

Hope Harry's feeling better soon!

Harry Styles Naked Pic? One Direction Boy-Bander Flashes Peace Sign In Raunchy Photo: Report

Here's Rihanna, Twerking in Her See-Through CFDA Dress

Rihanna made jaws drop when she showed up at the CFDA Awards in a sparkly see-through dress, revealing just about all of her assets.

To take the shock value up a notch, the Bajan beauty twerked in her Adam Selman get-up after picking up her Fashion Icon Award.

"The way we celebrate after a beautiful night or should I say the second half of a beautiful night #cdfaicon," her hairdresser Yusef posted on Instagram, along with a video of the "Stay" songstress walking over to a table, grabbing it and popping her butt.

Somehow, Rihanna managed to keep her privates covered with the fur shawl she rocked that night, while she did her celebratory dance.

According to In Style, the dress had 216,000 Swarovski crystals on it and Rihanna had nothing on under it but a nude thong.

The starlet was recognized for her "fearless approach" to fashion, which she exemplified with her look that night.
Rihanna Practically Nude At 2014 CFDA Fashion Awards

#FreeTheNipple? Kendall Jenner Does 'Interview' Topless

Kendall Jenner topless
We've all seen Kendall Jenner's nipples before when she walked the runway for Marc Jacobs braless during New York Fashion Week, so we wonder why she kept hers covered up in this Interview shoot. #FreetheNipple is all the rage right now, thanks to Rihanna and Scout Willis!

The 18-year-old goes topless for a sexy spread in the magazine, where she says she's basically living the dream these days. "To be honest, this is exactly what I wanted to be," she explains. "I was always looking up to supermodels. They were, like, my superheroes."

Other fun facts we learn about Kendall include the following: she used to lie a lot when she was younger, she loves beautiful blue eyes, gets starstruck by Beyonce and considers Bruce Jenner her role model. "My dad is my everything," she shares. "My parents brought up Kylie and me to be workaholics. That's something I appreciate."

Find out what else Kendall learned from her famous fam when she's our Cambio Guest Editor, along with Kylie, next week!
Kendall Jenner Bares Nipples At NY Fashion Week

One Direction Reportedly Fighting? Did Zayn Malik and Harry Styles Feud Leave Niall Horan Crying?


One Direction fighting Harry Styles Zayn Malik Niall Horan cryingIf this new report is to be believed, things are tense between One Direction's Zayn Malik and Harry Styles. And all of that fighting has left Niall Horan crying over the matter.

Sounds like this report is lacking in facts, but we'll entertain it for a brief second.

According to Closer magazine (via UnrealityTV), the 1D guys met to talk about the Zouis pot smoking video and it reportedly didn't go too well. A source told the mag that Harry, Liam Payne and Niall aren't happy with Zouis and Zayn fired back that Harry's only looking out for himself.

The source squealed: "They had a dramatic meeting last week and Harry was the first to lash out, telling them they'd messed everything up. But Zayn turned it around on Harry and accused him of only being interested in himself.'

The insider added, "Poor Niall has been in tears - he's worried this could be the end of the band."

While we can't know what goes on behind closed doors, we have a feeling there's not much truth to this beef and One Direction will go on despite the brief hiccup.

One Direction's Liam Payne Apologises After 'Cannabis' Video

One Direction and Ed Sheeran Collaborating on a Song Together?

One Direction new song Ed SheeranLooks like One Direction and Ed Sheeran may be collaborating on a new song, as Ed hinted in a recent interview that something's in the works with 1D.

Well...he didn't exactly say One Direction by name, but we're pretty sure it's them. Has to be, right?

When Welsh radio station 106.3 Bridge FM host Sam Vaughan asked Ed about whether the new music he's been tweeting about is for another album, the singer revealed: "No, actually, the track I did last night was for a certain boy band."

He added, "Well, I'm seeing their big boss tonight. I'm having dinner with him and playing some songs, so hopefully it works out."

When pressed for more details, Ed played it cheeky, explaining, "I couldn't possibly comment."

As if we needed another reason to be excited about new music from 1D.

UPDATE: In an exclusive interview with Sugarscape, Ed dished on the possibility of the 1D guys writing a song with him and it's just "too many cooks," according to him. But he would do something with the guys individually.

Ed explained about writing for 1D's upcoming album, saying, "I didn't get a phone call for album three, but I saw Simon Cowell at Britain's Got Talent and we've worked it out and next record, we'll see."

As for them having a group writing sesh, he said, "No. I don't know what I could do with five people in a room. Like, if it was one on one, if I wrote five different songs, one with each of them, then it would work, but I'm a control freak when it comes to writing songs and too many cooks doesn't work."

Ed added, "I'd want it to go in a certain direction - no pun intended - and like, everyone has an opinion and I wouldn't want it dragged all those different ways. So yes, I would work with each of them individually, but not five of them at once."

One Direction's Liam Payne Apologises After 'Cannabis' Video

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis Are Awesome, But Who the Heck Is Ryan Lewis?

We all love Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, but it's pretty safe to say that none of us actually know who the heck Ryan Lewis is. His name is just thrown at the end of the Macklemore part and we blindly accept it because whatever, their music is good, and we know who Macklemore is, so who really cares?

Ryan Lewis cares, actually. In this new segment from The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, Ryan (who is a DJ and producer, btw) went out on the streets and asked people about Ryan Lewis - and the people had no idea they were actually talking TO the guy they were talking ABOUT.

A lot of times, during these "on the street" segments, the person is in disguise and people are tricked into saying bad stuff about the person interviewing them. In this case, however, Ryan went out as Ryan and people still fell for it. In their defense, we totally would have too.

And at the end of the day, we still don't really get what Ryan Lewis' role is in the whole Macklemore and Ryan Lewis situation, but as one of the people being interviewed put it, it's just a "package deal" and Ryan is a part of it.
Macklemore Prank Calls Scalper Selling Macklemore Tickets

Katy Perry Opens Up About Relationships, Sex and the Lack Thereof


Katy Perry is making history this summer, as Cosmopolitan magazine's first ever global cover girl. The July issue (which was released on June 3) features the pop star being interviewed by comedian Chelsea Handler and in typical Chelsea fashion, nothing was off-limits.

Of course, Chelsea asked the singer about her recent breakup with fellow musician John Mayer and whether or not they'll get back together.

"I know it sounds really hippie-s**t, but I'm living in the now and not fantasizing about the future or [being] torn up about the past," she said. "I'm super Eckhart Tolle. I have a lot of respect for [him] still, and I know it goes both ways. There's no bad blood, but I'm sure there will be inspired songs."

Sorry, girl, Taylor Swift totally beat you to it on the John Mayer breakup song.

Speaking of breakups, Chelsea also asked Katy about her longest dry spell. "Maybe six months or a year," she revealed. "I don't stay single for long."

And Katy definitely isn't the type to use a one-night-stand just to break a dry spell (some people do that, we've heard). "I've never been that way," the singer confessed. "For me, the most important thing about sex is connection."

Well, that wasn't half as scandalous as we were hoping it would be. But, it's still interesting so we'll give that interview a solid B+.
Katy Perry Makes History in Cosmopolitan

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