What's the best way to get over your super famous ex-boyfriend? Hang out with your super famous friends at a Katy Perry concert, duh.
That's exactly what Selena Gomez did Saturday night while in London. She and Harry Styles' ex Cara Delevingne hit up Katy's show at the O2 Arena. They even hung out with the singer before the show and made sure to post pics of their good time during it.
"This is how we do, da do," Selena captioned a photo on Instagram while quoting one of Katy's songs from her new album. She was just seen a few nights ago at another one of Katy's shows with One Direction's Niall Horan.
Selena Gomez Has a Girls Night Out With Cara Delevingne at Katy Perry's Show
Steven Tyler Leaves a Note in Miley Cyrus' Hotel Room Door and the Whole Thing is Weird (WATCH)

While staying at the same hotel in Finland, Steven decided to stop by the twerker's room, but not in the usual way everyone else does. The Aerosmith rocker posted a video on Facebook (called "Room Service In Helsinki") in which he's seen approaching a door while saying, in an Elmer Fudd voice, "I think Miley Cyrus is here. But shh! She's very, very sleepy."
What's pretty funny is that Tyler can't slide the paper under the door or through the side.
"I can't seem to get it in her door. Maybe I ought to bang on it," he says. Totally having an epic fail, he slides his message in the keycard slot.
Miley saw the video and even retweeted it on Twitter. It's unclear if they ended up meeting up with each other.
Watch the video below. The whole thing is pretty weird.
Kaley Cuoco Debuts Brand New Pixie Cut: See the Shocking Photo

Turns out, she was just messin' with us and she really just had her hair pulled back. Then, about a month later, she decided 'oh what the heck?!' and she did it for real. Like for real, for real.
So, last we saw her, Kaley's hair was looking like this. Short, sassy and surprisingly cute. We thought we were attached to her longer locks, but we warmed up to this one pretty quickly...

Then, Kaley decided to throw a wrench in the whole thing and she chopped off the little bit of hair she still had left.
"Thank you @clsymonds for bringing out my inner Peter Pan :) #byronbeverlyhills #justcutitoff," she captioned this photo on Saturday, where she was showing off this brand new pixie cut.

You know what? We're just gonna come right out and say it. We don't like it. Sure, it's a great way for the actress to show off her brand new tattoo, but...that's about it. Of course, Kaley is gorgeous and it's going to take a lot more than an unfortunate haircut to actually make her look BAD, but this is not good.
Some celebs totally rock the short hair. Miley Cyrus, Halle Berry, even Jennifer Lawrence totally pulled it off. As for Kaley - hopefully her hairdresser does extensions, too.

This Poor 5-Year-Old Is Totally Overwhelmed by His Love Life
Here's the thing: He's only 5 years old, but he's already got 3 girlfriends, which is entirely too much to handle.
Don't get the wrong idea, though, he's not ready to become a one woman man just yet. He just wants to scale back the girlfriend inventory by one.
"It's like, I have to give one up. I don't know," he tells his mom. "It's like, they're all pretty. I'll have to give one up." That actually makes sense, because if he cut it down to two, he could still hold hands with both of them as they head out to recess.
How do the girls feel about the elementary school Hugh Hefner, though? Unless this kid's pockets are overflowing with (lunch) money, we can't imagine they'd be on board with the whole situation.
What's a little dude to do, then? Watch the video to see him try to solve this incredibly difficult predicament.
(h/t Elite Daily)
Woman Finds Random 12-Foot Snake in Her Bathroom

"I was on the phone with my mom and I kept hearing noises in the back," she told the local paper. "It was a huge scare," she said. Well, that's putting it lightly.
The paper noted that she was still shaken up from the incident, even eight days later. Man, at least give her a day for every freaking FOOT of snake. We're shaken up just from the picture!
Anyone who has ever wanted to flee the state after they come across a spider in the house can certainly relate to the scare you'd get from finding this monstrosity in your bathroom.
Seriously, though, this is like every little kid's worst nightmare come true. How do you tell your kids there aren't snakes inside the toilet (come on, you know you thought the same thing when you were five) when there are pictures like this floating around on the Internet?!
Animal control eventually wrangled the snake and...wait for it...returned it to its owner! So, this was someone's pet, someone who clearly wasn't keeping an eye on their 12-FOOT PYTHON, which means he could theoretically sleuth his way right back into this poor girl's bathroom again.
Yeah, we'd be gettin' the hell out of Dodge ASAP after that one. And you can keep whatever was in that bathroom. Yuck!
(h/t E! Online)
Best Senior Prank Ever: Watch This Waiter Get the Surprise of a Lifetime
The administration thought it was SO hilarious, they suspended 12 of the students involved and banned some of them from graduation ceremonies. First of all, what kind of prank is a food fight? Clearly, these were amateurs. Second of all, is chucking a burrito at someone's head really worth missing graduation over?
This year, the students at the same school decided to put a much better spin on the senior prank and nobody is getting suspended over this one. In fact, we hope this kind of "prank" ends up becoming a long-standing tradition because it's all kinds of amazing.
A group of students in this year's graduating class decided to "prank it forward" and their "victim" was a waiter at the local Olive Garden who needed help paying for his medical bills.
Together, they raised $510, which they presented to him at the end of their meal and it was all caught on camera. Check out the video above to see his reaction.
Have you ever participated in a "prank it forward" situation? Tell us about it in the comments below.

You'll Never Believe How This Sea Lion Encounter Ended
The little guy is having a great time chasing the girls. They're laughing, he seems to be enjoying it and everything is great...until the little girl in the blue princess dress totally eats it. Suddenly, all bets are off.
You've gotta watch the video to see what he did when his new friend fell flat on her face. Basically, this just proves the point that animals > humans because we've all had that moment where someone falls down right in front of us and as we're full-on laughing at them, we realize that our social filter has apparently taken the afternoon off.
Dog Fishing Fail: Watch as This Terrier Learns a Very Tough Lesson
Basically, fish can play dead way better than any dog can and the scare at the end is insanely terrifying.
Anyone who has ever been fishing knows the feeling: You finally hook a fish and you're proudly showing him off to anyone who will look. You are at the top of the food chain and you're ready to jump up on a pedestal and start pounding your chest to show everyone how hardcore you are.
Everything is going great until suddenly, the little bastard starts flopping and flailing around and you've never felt fear so great in your life. You've also never known you could run so fast because who knows what this crazy fish is capable of if he was able to come back from the dead. You're not sticking around to find out, thanks.
Turns out, dogs feel the same way we do, as this pup so gracefully demonstrates.
Click the video above and wait for the 25-second mark, the investment of your time will be well worth it, we promise.
(h/t Elite Daily)

Only One Thing Can Bring This Goat Out of His Depression: Watch It Happen and Try Not to Cry
Mr. G was crushed because hoarded or not, he was BFFs with a burro (a small donkey) named Jellybean back at home. They had been living together for 10 years, only to be torn away from each other and sent to different rescue sanctuaries.
Sure, their living situations were drastically improved, but Mr. G didn't care about being moved to the Beverly Hills of goat stalls, he just wanted his buddy back.
In fact, he was so depressed, he just curled up in the corner and stayed there for SIX days. He didn't eat, he didn't stand up to stretch his little goat legs - nothing. The look in his eyes alone is enough to break any animal lover's heart.
Obviously, something had to be done, so a volunteer from the shelter drove 14 hours to go get Mr. G's friend and what happened when they reunited is nothing short of incredible. Check out the video above to see the moment Mr. G and Jellybean were brought back together.
(h/t Reshareworthy)

Kendall and Kylie Jenner Talk KimYe Wedding, Downplay Rob Kardashian Drama

For the first time since the nuptials, though, Kendall and Kylie are finally talking about it and in their exclusive interview with E! News, nothing was off-limits.
Things started out pretty simple. The girls were asked if they had talked to sister Kim Kardashian since the wedding. "I personally wanted to leave her alone and like let her have her time with him," Kendall said. "I wanted to let her have fun and be with her husband."
It didn't take long, however, for a question about Rob Kardashian to come up. Rob famously ditched the wedding right before the couple took their trip down the aisle and there is a ton of speculation about why he abandoned ship at the 11th hour.
When asked how Rob is doing now, Kylie awkwardly looks at Kendall in an almost 'can we answer this?' kind of way, before she finally says "he's doing great!" Kendall goes along with it and simply says, "he's doing good."
Do you guys think there is more to the story?
Psy's 'Gangnam Style' Reaches Incredible YouTube Milestone, Crushes Justin Bieber's Record

The video went viral on YouTube and - good, bad, or indifferent - the song was stuck in everyone's head for months. A lot of naysayers thought it was just a fad and that the song would fizzle out quickly.
In fact, back in September 2012, E! Online declared that 'Gangnam Style' was "officially over," and the video only had 220 million views at that point. Well, there are now about 1,782,522,204 reasons that declaration might have been a bit premature.
That's right, 'Gangnam Style' has just reached an unprecedented 2 billion views on YouTube. Yep, BILLION with a "b."
Justin Bieber's 'Baby' is the only vid that had ever even gone into billion territory on YouTube and Psy has doubled the video view record formerly held by the Biebs.
With the renewed focus on 'Gangnam Style,' we had to watch it again and for some weird reason, it's mesmerizing. It's annoying, sure, but it's one of those things you just love to hate. To save you the trouble of searching for it again (cause you know you were going to), we've included it below.
Fun Fact: If you DO go to YouTube to watch, click the little Psy guy dancing next to the video view number and you'll get a cool surprise.

Next Donald Sterling? Justin Bieber Caught on Video Saying N-Word Several Times (WATCH)

The Sun posted video of the racist joke that features a smiling Biebs asking, "Why are black people afraid of chainsaws?" He answered with the insensitive punch line, "Run n***a, n***a..." Justin also added some chainsaw noises as he told the joke. Classy.
The video was reportedly shot several years ago during the filming of his first movie Never Say Never in 2011. Bieber's team allegedly tried buying the footage for a large amount of money to keep it from being released. Obviously, that attempt failed.
"This video is Justin Bieber and his camp's worst nightmare. Even after the year he's had, when he's never been far from controversy, this tops the lot," a source told the newspaper.
TMZ is reporting that Justin is upset about the whole thing, and that he will address this situation to the public within the next few days.
We're Not Laughing With These Haunted House Visitors, We're Definitely Laughing AT Them
Khloe Kardashian's Perfection Crashes Dress Designer's Website, Twice!

While her sisters might have been the ones who have made the most serious fashion statements in the past, Khloe is proving that she belongs in the big leagues of trend-setting now, too.
In fact, after Khloe stepped out in this gorgeous Constantina & Louise number for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's pre-wedding bash in Paris, fans were clamoring to get their hands on the flowy frock.
Dena Danis, who designed the dress, told the Daily Mail that the interest was so intense after Khloe stepped out in it, their website crashed - twice.
The gown, which is called the Lira Gown, is now the first thing you see when you visit the (now working) site, although that doesn't necessarily mean you can just pick one up for yourself.

There is a "click here to purchase" link, which we were so excited to see, but that just directs you to a link that says "these gowns are custom made" and a link to contact them for inquiries. Dang!
We have to say, though, Khloe actually looks better in the dress than the model does. Maybe she should be their new spokesperson.

Niall Horan and Selena Gomez Getting Serious or Just Having Fun? Source Tells All

We figured.
Thankfully, a "source" has some insider information on the whole Niall and Selena pairing (Nelena?) and it's pretty much what we expected.
The source told The Sun, "Niall and Selena have always got on well and communicate regularly. It will always be tough having a serious relationship given their schedules, so they're just having fun."
The insider also dished on whether or not Niall has chatted up Justin Bieber about dating his ex. Nope. The source noted, "He'd never get in contact with Justin for advice. There's no real need to."
Overall, it just sounds like they're friends.

103rd Story Glass Skydeck Cracks Underneath Tourists

It's basically a thrill-seeker's way to sightsee. Given that we wouldn't exactly put ourselves in the "daredevil" category (even this picture kinda freaks us out), we won't be visiting anytime soon.
A family from California who went to the skydeck last week, however, got an even bigger thrill than even they bargained for. When they stepped out onto the ledge, they heard a cracking sound. When they looked down, they saw that the glass had actually cracked beneath their feet.
This, after they were apparently told it was "unbreakable." Not that they were trying, though, because who would?
After the glass broke (it was just the top, protective layer) and they realized they were still standing and alive, they wanted to snap some photos. "When we pulled our phones to start recording and take pictures they asked us to leave right away," one of the visitors told NBC Chicago.
Still, somebody managed to get a picture and...it's pretty intense.

Apparently, all is well with the skydeck again and it's ready for some more visitors, but even the thrill-seekers are hesitant. Can't say we blame them!

Serena Williams Crashes Couple's Beach Wedding in Her Swimsuit
Serena Williams is a popular wedding guest - whether she's invited or not! The tennis pro just got back from attending Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's wedding in Florence, Italy and over the weekend, she attended another wedding, that she wasn't even invited to!
The 32-year-old was kicking it on a beach in Miami on Saturday when she noticed a wedding going on. So, what did she do? She crashed it, obviously...
No, she wasn't exactly dressed for the occasion, but she's Serena Williams and we highly doubt the couple cared what the heck she was wearing. In fact, we know that they didn't because they proudly posed for photos with the tennis champ.
Sure, they look a little confused, but to be fair, they had a lot going on (it is their wedding day, after all) and a celebrity DID just bust in on the event wearing a leopard leotard. So yeah, it would be a little surreal. Congrats couple, whoever you are!
Miley Cyrus' Los Angeles Mansion Burglarized Again: Her New Maserati Was Stolen

According to the Los Angeles Police Department, the twerking queen's house in Studio City, Calif. was burglarized on Friday.
"On May 30, 2014, around 4 p.m., North Hollywood officers responded to a radio call of a burglary, in the North Hollywood Area. A male and female scaled a fence to gain access to the property," the LAPD said in a statement. "They removed property including jewelry and a 2014 white, 4-door Maserati Quattroporte."
There's no word on how much jewelry was stolen. The Maserati has a projected sticker price of $102,500. Daaang.
Don't worry, Miley wasn't home at the time. She's currently overseas on her Bangerz tour. According to E! News, her assistant reportedly came home and found things out of place and called the cops. Police revealed there were no signs of forced entry.
After the bad news broke, she tweeted, "ya know when you just want to cry in the shower for no reason" followed with another tweet, "so fu**in homesick."
This isn't the first time Miley's home has been broken into. The same thing happened back in November.

What Happened to Brad Pitt's Face-Puncher? His Punishment Revealed

The attacker was quickly apprehended and it didn't take long for him to be identified as Vitalii Sediuk, the same "prankster" who has pulled a bunch of other red carpet stunts.
When we reported on the story and read all of the other junk this guy has done, we wondered how in the world he wasn't banned from every red carpet and celebrity event, everywhere.
Well, now he is. According to TMZ, Vitalii was sentenced to 20 days community service, 36 months of probation, $220 in fines (that's it?) AND he has to stay at least 500 yards away from red carpets, movie premieres and award shows, which should just about cover it.
In addition, he also has to stay far away from Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, as well as the venue where the face-punching took place.
We're sure this moron will probably try to pull something from 500 yards away (like streaking or some other attention-grabbing stunt), but at least he can't get within striking distance anymore.

Liam Payne in Love With a Man? It's Not What You Think

Say what? Liam, clearly comfortable with his sexuality and in no way watching how his words could fuel the next 1D rumor, tweeted over the weekend: "Now I may not be gay but I am in love with a man ... 2 words the kernel god bless you and your original recipe."
Yeah, that's right. Liam loves the KFC dude and had himself quite a huge feast, as he later tweeted: "I'm so fulllllll!!! Think I just ate my body weight in chicken fries and sides owwwwww"
Wow, do we know that feeling. Too well.
Now I may not be gay but I am in love with a man ... 2 words the kernel god bless you and your original recipe pic.twitter.com/NDzhTzXSgo
- Liam Payne (@Real_Liam_Payne) May 31, 2014