There are lots of different egg-cracking techniques. There is the one-handed egg crack, the two-handed egg crack, the countertop tap, the side of the bowl tap, the knife tap and naturally, there is even an As Seen on TV product that promises the perfect crack.
We happen to prefer the "slam against the closest object and hope for the best" approach, but it's all a matter of personal preference. Basically, the goal is to not end up with any shell fragments and to keep the egg and yolk nice and neatly together.
In case any of the above strategies haven't worked for you, there is now another option and it seems to be foolproof. The catch? You have to be 60 feet underwater, wearing your scuba gear and you've gotta have a taste for a raw, salty egg. Ew.
All right, so this particular egg is not going to ever be eaten, but it's still super cool to watch. The pressure helps the egg hold its shape as it floats around in the water and it's really neat to see, although it is a little bit gross-looking now that we think about it. In fact, we're going to stick to scrambled eggs for a little while after watching this one.
We happen to prefer the "slam against the closest object and hope for the best" approach, but it's all a matter of personal preference. Basically, the goal is to not end up with any shell fragments and to keep the egg and yolk nice and neatly together.
In case any of the above strategies haven't worked for you, there is now another option and it seems to be foolproof. The catch? You have to be 60 feet underwater, wearing your scuba gear and you've gotta have a taste for a raw, salty egg. Ew.
All right, so this particular egg is not going to ever be eaten, but it's still super cool to watch. The pressure helps the egg hold its shape as it floats around in the water and it's really neat to see, although it is a little bit gross-looking now that we think about it. In fact, we're going to stick to scrambled eggs for a little while after watching this one.