When she first got pregnant with her second child, there were reports that she was drinking and smoking pot, which obviously rubbed more than a few people the wrong way. All of that seemed to die down a few weeks later and Jenelle had a fairly uneventful pregnancy.
Baby Kaiser was just born on Monday and Jenelle has already come under fire for her parenting skills. The former Teen Mom star gave up custody of her son Jace to her mother, Barbara Evans, so she might not have a ton of experience, but common sense should play a part, right?
First, people got mad at Jenelle when she posted this picture the day after Kaiser was born with the caption, "Someone's going to look adorable today."

Obviously, people didn't think that outfit was totally appropriate for a newborn. It does seem like it would be kind of uncomfortable, but we did check and some popular baby clothing companies do make similar outfits for newborns, so who knows?
Before people had even finished hating on the overalls, Jenelle managed to piss them off yet again. The second-time mom posted this picture of a Frappuccino with the caption, "So excited to get to drink as many as [sic] these as I want again!"
No big deal, right? She obviously isn't pregnant anymore. She IS, however, breastfeeding and having too much caffeine while you're breastfeeding is not generally recommended.
Fans were quick to criticize Jenelle when she tweeted that she was going to start breastfeeding shortly after posting the Frappuccino pic. "What about those coffees you're so excited to drink? Can't bf while drinking multiple coffee drinks," one concerned fan chimed in. "Yayy breast milk loaded with caffeine," another said.
Others defended Jenelle saying they drank caffeine in moderation while they were breastfeeding and everything was fine.
What do you guys think of Jenelle's parenting skills so far? Sound off in the comments below.