The 16-year-old posted this pic on Instagram yesterday with the caption "stripes, man." All right, we know stripes can be slimming, and the famous fam obvi knows ALL about catching just the right angle, but her waist looks impossibly small in this particular photo.
We compared it to some other recent pics and videos we've seen of Kylie and we can't decide if we never noticed how tiny her waist is or if there is something funky with this photo. There is no doubt about the fact that Kylie has a great body, but this pic is totally playing with our heads.
It doesn't look Photoshopped at all, so we're officially at a loss. Maybe Kylie has been borrowing Khloe Kardashian's waist-slimmer, which is insane because Kylie was so small to begin with.
What do you guys think? Is it the angle...or the outfit...or is Kylie's waist disappearing right before our eyes?