We've seen people do a lot of shocking and strange things for the sake of marketing, but did this stunt go a tiny bit too far?
This giant hot air balloon (151 feet tall, to be exact) made its appearance in the skies above Sydney, Australia on Tuesday and people were immediately outraged.
Not only does it seem to sort of mock the Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil, it's also using the religious figure for advertising purposes (and he's wearing a soccer jersey, so there's that).
To make matters worse, the whole thing was done to promote a gambling website, which, to some people makes it even more ironic and offensive.
Of course, there are even deeper interpretations and parallels that some have derived from the whole thing, but the one thing that is certain is that it definitely offended a whole bunch of people.
"You don't exploit those things that are sacred to people simply for your own advertising reach and I think that soccer as a world game should be sensitive to that and certainly express their disdain for these types of advertisements," one Australian Reverend told Yahoo! Australia.
Then, there are people on the other side of the argument who just kind of discount it as yet another marketing scheme aimed at getting our attention and in that sense, it worked.
What do you guys think of this strategy? Did they take it a little too far?