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Liam Payne and Zayn Malik Smoking Poolside in Rio: Fans Tweet Their Concern

Liam Payne smoking Rio hotel poolWe already know that Liam Payne and Zayn Malik smoke cigarettes, but something about seeing them smoking just makes us worry, you know? Liam and Zayn were spotted poolside at their hotel in Rio, enjoying some downtime (which they so deserve), but many pics showed them smoking -- and fans got a little preachy.

And we get it. They're grown men and can make their own decisions, but the fandom does get worried about their health. So, drop the ciggies, alright?

Yucky habits aside, Zayn and Liam were shirtless at the pool (Harry too!), with Liam enjoying the water and Zayn content to hang out in jeans and a hat (wasn't he hot?).

Twitter lit up with worry, however, like @Niallinaburrito_1m, who tweeted: "@Real_Liam_Payne you know that smoking kills right? Im sorry if this makes u feel bad,but I couldnt live if the ciggs took you away from me" and "tomlinobsessed_16h, who wrote "@Real_Liam_Payne WHY DO U NEED TO SMOKE WHEN UR ALREADY SMOKING HOT"

Zayn Malik smoking Rio Brazil pool

Liam Payne smoking Rio Brazil pool

The Guys of One Direction Enjoy Downtime in Brazil

Did Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's 'Vogue' Cover Outsell Beyonce's?

Kanye West, Kim KardashianSorry KimYe...it seems your hotly debated Vogue cover wasn't as popular as everyone thought it would be and definitely not popular enough to dethrone Queen Bey.

Although early estimates suggested Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's April cover would beat Michelle Obama's and Beyonce's from last year, it seems the projected figures of 400,000 to 500,000 copies sold were overinflated.

Jay-Z's wife's 2013 issue sold 355,000 and the First Lady's sold about 269,000. "I'd argue that if you peg last year's Michelle Obama at 269,000, this issue will net around 250,000," Josh Gary, VP of Mag Net Data, told the New York Post.

Vogue had no comment on the sales figures, but we're sure Kim was just glad she finally scored the cover, no matter how it sold. As for Kanye, we can't help but quote his Taylor Swift interrupting VMA speech: "I'ma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best Vogue covers of all time!"
Kim Kardashian Squashes Wedding Rumors

Expert Shoots Down Demi Lovato Ghost Face Pic: Find Out Why!

Demi Lovato ghost face pic shot downThe other day, we showed you a pic of Demi Lovato at a concert with what looked like a ghost face, glowing eyes and all, beside her. And it was creepy. No denying it. But is it legit?

MTV.com got to the bottom of it by checking in with a paranormal expert, and the findings are pretty interesting. Timothy Davis, director of the Center for Paranormal Investigation Association, told MTV, "My opinion is that it is very a compelling photo, but without a better quality photo or more evidence, it doesn't appear to be supernatural to me."

He added, "I am leaning toward thinking that the face could be caused by the 'perfect' combination of a few random factors." Those factors include the probability it was taken with a camera phone where sensors "try to make patterns in dark areas to reduce the amount of information space needed when saving the photo to memory," which, according to the expert, "can lead to weird blotches appearing on solid colored areas, or where there is a dark area."

He also brought up "lens flare/back-scatter" or a "reflection of the original image bouncing off of the back of the camera lens and hitting the sensor again." He points to her shiny jacket as the possible cause of that reflection of dots.

Do you think there's a ghost haunting Demi's tour?

Demi Lovato ghost face photo

Why You'll Never Hear Demi Lovato Sing About Sex

Lily Allen Hospitalized, Shares Photo From Hospital Bed to Prove It

Forget #aftersex selfies, it seems that hospital selfies are the hot new thing. Although for those people on Sex Sent Me to the ER, they could totally do both.

Anyway, Miley Cyrus created a lot of buzz when she had to be hospitalized during her Bangerz tour. The social media over-sharer continued to update her fans with hospital bed selfies until the time she was released. Then, everything went back to status quo and she posted a ton of twerking videos to make up for lost time.

Now, Lily Allen is in the hospital and she's following suit with the hospital bed selfie. "#SHEEzUS in #SHOSPITAL . I'm fine though guys, just need some fluids cause i can't keep anything down.#dramz," she captioned the pic.

In Lily's case, it sounds like she posted the selfie to prove that she really was sick because she also shared this meme mocking the rumors people had started spreading.

Apparently, the whole situation came about due to a nasty case of food poisoning that had her projectile vomiting.

So...that's gross. That being the case, we have to say she looks pretty good cause we've all had food poisoning and it takes about three days before we're anywhere near selfie-snapping condition. Get well soon, girl!
Lily Allen Attacks Beyonce and Lady Gaga In

Ouch! Pregnant Mila Kunis Planning Natural Birth With No Drugs

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo playerMila Kunis is one tough cookie, because she's planning to deliver Ashton Kutcher's baby naturally. During an appearance on The Ellen Show airing today, the actress opened up about her delivery plans and pregnancy cravings.

"I'm gonna do it as all natural as I possibly can unless there's an emergency or something that should go wrong," she said, adding she won't even be using an epidural. "I know, I'm crazy!"

The 30-year-old starlet has also been experiencing crazy cravings, for things like sauerkraut, which she snacked on during the show. And her future hubby Ashton has even stocked their second fridge with random foods for her.

"He assumed that I was going to have goofy cravings, so he stocked our secondary fridge with weird food," she explained, which came in handy. "I was like, 'Oh my god, I need a pickle.' It was just the weirdest thing. I needed this pickle, and he was like, 'Hold on a second,' and disappeared in the backyard and came back with the most amazing dill pickle of all time."

Wow, Ashton gets serious brownie points for being prepared for whatever preggo cravings strike. Congrats to the cute couple!
Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher Get Down At Stagecoach Festival

One Direction's Rio Rooftop Party Got Rowdy? Find Out Why the Cops Were Called

Cops called on One Direction partyThings got rowdy and wild for One Direction in Rio, when the cops were called on their hotel rooftop party Wednesday night. Aw, man.

According to The Mirror, police were reportedly called to give a warning after hotel guests of the Fasana Hotel in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, complained.

The noise, evidently, was a huge factor. As was the middle-of-the-night hours of the party -- neither of which are ever good when you're staying at a hotel.

The Mirror reports that hotel guest Andre Duarte couldn't sleep and complained at 4 a.m., saying, "I'm so angry. The noise has kept us awake all night. We can't sleep. This is absolutely ridiculous. We came downstairs in our pajamas to ask the hotel to stop the party. We called the police."

Half an hour later, the party's loud music was turned off. Of course, we're betting the fans gathered outside the hotel still made plenty of noise to make guests unhappy.

The Guys of One Direction Enjoy Downtime in Brazil

Attention Pop Stars Everywhere: Lady Gaga Owns Everything She Has Ever Done

Apparently, Lady Gaga thinks she is the rightful owner of all things weird. The "Applause" singer is currently on tour and fellow pop star Katy Perry is also on tour...so clearly Katy is already totally copying her because Gaga's tour started first.

What's more, Gaga seemed to throw some (not so) subtle shade at the "Roar" singer on Twitter. "It looks like green hair and mechanical horses are the thing now," she wrote. Hmm...who has green hair and was recently spotted riding a mechanical horse?

Katy Perry Performs At The Odyssey Arena, BelfastKaty Perry Performs At The Odyssey Arena, Belfast
Honestly, Gaga can't think that just because she's worn a wig before, she totally owns that look. In that case, nobody is allowed to have brown, blonde, green, yellow, purple or really any other color hair.

So far, Katy hasn't responded to the alleged ripoff, but in case she needs some ammo for her arsenal, we can help her out. She just got a new dog and took it on tour and then...oh, would you look at that? Gaga went and got herself a dog...and took it on tour.

If they want to copy each other, we don't really care, just as long as we don't have to see another meat dress or see Katy getting puked on during a performance. Once was one times too many for those "art" displays.

Side note: Lady Gaga has been slammed on Twitter by another artist for allegedly copying her ideas, so the mere fact that she's using Twitter to slam Katy for copying HER is a ripoff in and of itself. Just sayin'.
Lady Gaga's Most Gag Inducing Moments

James Franco on Undies Selfie: "It's What the People Want!"

When James Franco recently Instagrammed a provocative pic of him in his undies with his hand cupping his crotch, many people thought he went too far. But according to James himself, we're the ones to blame because we're the ones who want to see it.

"It's not like I'm putting that on billboards," the Palo Alto actor explained during an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman. "I didn't ask you to look at it! It's what the people want! If you don't want to see it, don't follow me. Don't follow me on Instagram."

But if that pic was no big deal and he's just giving the fans what they want, why did he pull it down an hour after posting it? James didn't address that issue at all, but basically says we all need to lighten up.

"To me, it's just a fun thing," he added. "It's something I don't put a ton of thought into, but it gets a lot of attention." Well, we're still following you, James, and are 2 million other people, so looks like you win. James Franco Slams Lindsay Lohan as 'Delusional'

Thank You, Kaley Cuoco for Showing How Every Woman Feels When She Hasn't Shaved for a Few Days

Whoa, hey there girl. I know we all get a little lax during the winter time, but you've gotta do something about those legs!

Kaley Cuoco shared this funny photo of herself in the hair and makeup chair on the set of her show The Big Bang Theory. Apparently, the "hair" part of the hair and makeup chair encompasses more than just what's on someone's head. Who knew?

This photo was actually taken a little while ago, but since Kaley couldn't reveal the plot for the show, she didn't post the pic until yesterday right before that episode aired.

She also shared a snap of the finished product and we have to say, we never thought we could see Kaley look anything but amazing...until we saw this.

Don't worry, we'd never just leave you hanging knowing that image would be lingering in your mind for the rest of the day. Here is a replacement "Kaley wearing pink" photo to cleanse your palate.

Kaley Cuoco Cleansing Khloe Kardashian's Cursed Marital Home

Taylor Swift's Latest Pricey Purchase? $18 Million Marie Antoinette Inspired Mansion in San Francisco

Taylor SwiftDid Taylor Swift just throw down $18 million for ANOTHER new house? There's talk that the singer is eying a mansion in San Francisco now.

According to several reports, Taylor is considering buying a Marie Antoinette inspired house in the bay area. It's known as the Koshland Mansion and is described as, "a modified replica of Marie Antoinette's opulently over-the-top Petit Trianon outside of Paris," built in the early 1900s with, "8 bedrooms, 5 full and 2 half bathrooms, 9 fireplaces, 4 kitchens, elevator access to all 4 floors, and off-street parking for 7 cars."

While many of us wouldn't be shocked if Taylor was looking at buying the property, GossipCop.com is shutting down the rumors saying the purchase is not happening. A source close to Taylor told them that the performer "is not buying any more homes, despite how many realtors would like people to think she is in the market."

Understandable. The girl just blew some big bucks on that swanky apartment in New York City. She also has a house in Los Angeles, Nashville, and Rhode Island. She's reportedly looking to buy a place in London too. Must be nice, eh?

13 Things You Didn't Know About Taylor Swift

Lady Gaga Makes Her Dog Dance...and She Looks Terrified


We love that Lady Gaga loves her dog and everything, but someone needs to tell her that their little bodies are not made to twerk.

Mother Monster brought her brand new puppy Asia on tour with her and while she has snapped some cute photos, she is clearly very new to the whole idea of dog ownership.

We feel like someone needs to give her the "if you're gonna get a dog..." lecture, which would involve a strict lesson on the fact that dogs are not toys.

In the first video (above), Gaga is holding the dog up like it's a baby and even tosses it in the air. While she looks slightly annoyed, she's like "whatever, I'm rich and I'm Lady Gaga's dog, so I'll let this one slide."

Then, in the second video (below), Gaga is literally tossing little Asia around like she's a doll and the poor thing looks terrified. "Asia Makes it Rain II (I love my dog so much it's literally an illness)," she captioned the video. Yeah, well we love dogs, too and we can't imagine any dog would ever enjoy that experience.

"You should not treat your dog like that Gaga Animals are Not Toys They are little babies ): I agree whit You on everything but not whit this #TreatBatPigRight," one fan wrote. "Stop shaking ur girl pls," another chimed in. One person even threatened to call the authorities on her.

What do you guys think? Would you ever do that with your dog?

Lady Gaga's Most Gag Inducing Moments

Ed Sheeran Releases New Song "All of the Stars" and It's a Tearjerker (WATCH)

Ed SheeranEd Sheeran just gave us two sweet gifts for the weekend...a new song and video. The tune is called "All of the Stars" and it will be on the upcoming soundtrack for a movie called The Fault in Our Stars.

Of course, the talented ginger singer penned the song. He shared on Twitter that it will play over the end-credits of the upcoming film adaptation of the award-winning book.

The movie is supposedly super sad and the song pretty much proves that. The music video pretty shows that off to with its inspirational quotes and fan art. Ed's not seen in the video until the very end and he doesn't look too happy in it.

Watch the "All of the Stars" music video below. You might want to grab some tissues...

Jennifer Aniston Having an Alcohol-Free Wedding?

An Alternative Look At The 85th Annual Academy AwardsLet's face it, when people get invited to a wedding, the first thing they wanna know is whether or not there's an open bar. Often times, the answer to that question corresponds directly to the answer on the RSVP. Yes=yes. No=no. It's a fairly simple situation.

Since Jennifer Aniston has been engaged for what feels like an eternity, her pending nuptials have been fuel for the rumor mill's fire for quite some time. In fact, Jennifer pretty much dominated the wedding rumor space until Kim Kardashian and Kanye West got engaged. Then, all bets were off.

Don't worry, Jen, there is a good chance Kim will be married (and divorced?) by the time you walk down the aisle, so just hang on for about 72 days and you'll be numero uno in the wedding gossip space again.

For the time being, we'll have to hang our hats on the only real rumor there is about Jen's wedding at the moment, although it is kind of interesting. According to RadarOnline, Jen's fiance Justin Theroux wants his bride-to-be to stop drinking "entirely" and is hoping for an alcohol-free wedding.

Given the whole open bar/RSVP contingency we just discussed, that's one way of ensuring you have a "small, intimate ceremony."
Jennifer Aniston Puts Brakes on Wedding Plans

Is This Kim Kardashian's Wedding Invitation?

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's upcoming wedding has been the subject of so many rumors, it's hard to keep them all straight.

Apparently, it's going to take place in Paris sometime this month and there is a whole lot of speculation about who will or won't be there, but you can bet your entire Kardashian Kollection wardrobe that momager Kris Jenner will be present and accounted for.

As with any big event involving the famous family, everyone wants to know every detail they can get their hands on, even if it means just sneaking a peek at the invites. Also similar to the baby shower, invites for Kim's wedding have allegedly leaked online.

Us Weekly obtained what is believed to be the wedding invite and if it is the real deal, it looks like the rumor mill may have gotten it right, at least as far as the date and location are concerned.

The only thing that's a little confusing to us is that it doesn't say exactly where the wedding is, but does say that "details [will be provided] upon arrival." Arrival where? How can anybody get the deets if they don't even know where to go?!

Fortunately for us, it doesn't really matter because while today's mail hasn't been brought in yet, we're guessing we probably don't have a golden ticket kickin' it in our mailbox.

Rob Kardashian Won't Attend Kim's Wedding

Harry Styles and Liam Payne Tango Lessons: Their Hilarious Pics


It takes two to tango...two One Direction guys, that is, as Harry Styles and Liam Payne stepped out for a tango dance lesson while they were in Argentina. After checking out the pics, we'd say don't quit your day job, guys.

We Could Watch This Dog NOT Catch Stuff All Day Long

Sabai totally sucks at catching stuff and we love him for it. Fortunately, his owner has a good sense of humor and shared these amazing moments with us.

In this first attempt, we were totally "Team Sabai" because we thought it was just too dark and the toy kind of blended in with the background and it probably would have smacked us in the face, too.

"How our dog plays catch," he captioned this video:

Like us, you probably want to give Sabai the benefit of the doubt, right? Yeah, well we were totally on board with that until we saw these SIX frisbee fails.

Come on, Sabai! Open your dang mouth, man! Turns out, this pup might just be a little high maintenance. Not only is he too cool to catch stuff, he also has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to inclement weather (we're actually with you on that one, buddy).

And he's clearly very into his image, so he can't be bothered with such petty things as fetching plastic frisbees. Here he is in his Harry Potter-inspired ensemble.

But at the end of the day, Sabai knows that it's a scary world out there and that a dog's job is to protect, so he's prepared to do battle with any canine he comes across...on the TV screen.

And because dodging frisbees, fighting canine crime and braving the elements (or not braving them as the case may be) is a pretty tough gig, this dog makes sure he's always keeping a perfect work/life balance.

Keep up the good work, Sabai...and to his owner, if you're reading this, please keep the videos coming!
Extreme Dog Tricks with Omar Von Muller & Jumpy the Dog

Refrigerated Doritos Confuse Target Customers

We've all heard the rumors about some of our favorite foods containing weird preservatives and all kinds of other stuff that we'd rather not know about, but what the heck is in Doritos that requires them to be refrigerated?

Not that we actually care, because it would take A LOT to deter us from eating the deliciously cheesy chips. It's kind of like Chicken McNuggets. Everyone is so eager to tell you what they think is "really" in them and we run away plugging our ears like we're five, going "la la la I don't hear you" cause why you gotta ruin a good thing, man?

Fortunately, when it comes to Doritos, we can all breathe a sigh of relief (just don't do it too close to someone cause that cheese breath is no joke). When enough Twitter users noticed that Target stores were refrigerating them and posting pics on the social media site, the store finally addressed the issue.

A rep for the store tells Buzzfeed that the chips are being put there because it's part of a promotion for the "walking taco." What's a walking taco, you ask? Apparently, you just dump a bunch of cheesy, meaty ingredients into the bag and go for it. We can totally get on board with that.

It's actually kind of like a Frito pie, which is also delicious. Except the stomach ache you get afterwards, depending on what you threw in there. That part is not amazing. But it's worth it.
4 Best Fast Food 'Secret Menu' Items

If This Video Doesn't Make You Smile, You're in a REALLY Bad Mood

If there are two things we definitely don't get sick of in this world, they are Pharrell's "Happy" and dogs. The brilliant makers of this video combined both and the result is something we're definitely going to save and watch the next time we're having a bad day.

In fact, we're sure Pharrell himself would even take his (huge) hat off to the makers of this video.

If you're in a bad mood and don't feel like listening to the whole "Happy" song over again, there are a couple of highlights that we think are worth hitting:

00:39-00:51 - This is 12 seconds of hilarious dog selfies. They get the up-close nose shots, they get the fishbowl effect. They get all different kinds of dogs with all different kinds of noses and we love them for that.

00:58-1:00 - A cat randomly appears amidst a sea of dogs and he does the "yeah" part in the song, which he does again at 1:03, so it's probably worth just holding on for the five seconds and getting both in one shot.

1:28-1:30 - The behind-the-scenes view of the dog burying his stick, during which he proceeds to completely cover the camera with sand.

1:40-1:50 and 2:00-2:05 - The paws underwater. We're not sure what exactly, but something about this is really funny.

2:27-2:29 - The awesome editing that totally makes the dog look like he's dancing.

The coolest part of the whole thing is that this video really embodies what the song is about. It's so neat to see all of those dogs getting along so well and the way they welcome the cat into the pack cause he just wants to be happy, too.
Are You A Dog Lover? There's An App For That

Jennifer Lawrence on Panic Attacks, Popularity...and Her Period

Jennifer LawrenceJennifer Lawrence's Marie Claire story is truly the gift that keeps on giving because there's just so much goodness in it. Not only did she dish on her romance with Nicholas Hoult in major detail, J. Law also spilled that Hollywood is just like high school.

"There are all these peers judging you, and you're never cool enough, never wearing the right outfit, saying the right thing," she explains. "You don't get out of middle school. You don't get out of high school. There are always going to be people saying you're a slut because you went out on a date on Friday, or you're a bitch because you didn't call somebody back because you have a life."

"I want everyone to like me. Who doesn't?" Jen says. "But if they don't, you've gotta move on. Then you grow up and become famous, and it's the same thing multiplied by a billion!" In addition to being glamorous, it's also clearly stressful being an A-list starlet, which is why she started getting panic attacks last year during her Hunger Games press tour.

"I thought I was having a heart attack," the 23-year-old shares. "The only thing I can do is work hard and do my best and be myself, mostly because I don't have a choice. You reach that point of anxiety that you finally go, 'It's out of my hands.'"

That doesn't mean she never Googles herself or reads mean comments. She limits herself to doing that once a month, at a certain time of month. "I'll be PMSing and just in the mood for a cry. In fact, the first thing I'm doing after I leave this interview is Googling 'Jennifer Lawrence backlash,'" she says. (Jen also told the writer that she was on her period that day, BTW.)

We think her advice about doing your best and being yourself is great for everyone to follow, famous or not.
Jennifer Lawrence Recalls Puking in Front of Miley Cyrus

Taylor Swift Finally Talks About Her "Longest" Relationship, the One She Has With Selena Gomez (WATCH)

Selena Gomez and Taylo SwiftTaylor Swift is opening up about her longest relationship ever and it's not with Harry Styles or John Mayer. The singer recently (and finally) talked to E! News about her friendship with Selena Gomez and revealed that it's been her longest friend relationship so far.

"It's been the longest one I think either of us had really," the "Red" singer said during the sit down interview.

"When your life changes and you become thrust into this really strange whirlwind where what your life is is different from what other people think your life is. And your life is commented on and your life is written about and fictionalized and all that. Both of us have kind of stuck it out and hung in there through all the different changes we've gone through."

"Longevity is something you really can find very precious and rare in friendships," she added.

Over the past few months there have been rumors that the ladies were beefing because of Selena's on-again and off-again relationship with Justin Bieber. While that might be true, it seems like that's all behind them now. Sel and Taylor most recently hung out together at the 2014 Met Gala in NYC. Check out an adorable video of them dancing around at the gala together in their gowns here.

Exclusive: Taylor Swift Talks Selena, More!

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