The reality star who was recently released from jail admitted during an interview with Dr. Phil that she was actually high every time we saw her on Teen Mom, which is a pretty sad statement to say the least, especially because she was with her daughter Leah a lot of those times.
Fortunately, Amber seems to have turned her life around in prison and she's working hard to be a better person and a better mom to Leah.
Hopefully, that means Amber won't be at the center of any more scandals, but she IS going to let us in on what really happened during some of her previous ones.
In a new interview with In Touch Weekly, Amber reveals that she's written an explosive tell-all about her life. "It's a brutally honest account of how bad my life got...Addiction. Mental illness. Death. Divorce. Betrayal. Violence. Suicide attempts. Felony charges. Rehab. Drug overdoses and jail...I'm going to tell you how it all happened."
The goal of the memoir is to try to teach people that it's never too late to turn your life around. "I'm living proof that it's never too late to change your life for the better," she tells the mag.
Amber definitely had a rough couple of years and every time it seemed she had hit rock bottom, things got even worse still. During her time behind bars, however, Amber was reportedly an exemplary inmate, she sobered up, she got her GED and she was even teaching anger management classes to fellow prisoners.
We really hope this is a permanent change for Amber and we commend her for being brave enough to open those old wounds and share some of those painful stories for the sake of hopefully helping others.