The WTF-moment went down at Tübingen University's institute for microbiology and virology in southern Germany. According to reports, a college, American exchange student managed to lodge himself inside the piece of art. It's called "Pi-Chacan," was created by Fernando de la Jara, and has been on display since 2001. Its name "is said to mean 'love making' in Peruvian-Indian."
"I was there!!! He just wanted to take a funny picture," witness Erick Guzman posted to Imgur. "The fire department was not really amused, and he was really embarrassed."
No one knows exactly how the guy got in there. It took 22 firefighters to get him out.
We're thinking that maybe the vagina man is a Miley Cyrus fan? We all know she's about vaginas...she just revealed that her little sister is her p*ssy police.
What is this world coming to?