Following Jeremy Meeks' arrest and subsequent rise to Internet fame, people have dished out thousands of dollars to help free the "hottie thug," whose mugshot made ladies everywhere swoon.
Once his mugshot started to get a ton of attention on the Stockton Police Department's Facebook page, his mother, Katherine Angier, set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for his bail.
"THIS IS THE ONLY REAL FAMILY SITE SET FOR HELPING JEREMY!! ALL OF THESE FUNDS WILL GO DIRECTLY TO HIS LEGAL DEFENSE!," Katherine wrote. "He has a job and...He was on his way to work. With no gang affiliations as per two of the charges. He has old tattoos..which causes him to be sterotyped. He's my son and I'm just trying to raise funds to help him in anyway. Please help him to get a fair trial or else he'll be railroaded."

Jeremy was busted in a gang sweep last week and charged with street terrorism. The 30-year-old married dad had previously spent nine years in jail for grand theft.