Among the truth bombs Demi laid out were tips on finding confidence, surrounding yourself with good people, and being grateful for what you have.
You can check out more of Demi's Seventeen magazine quotes at Seventeen.com, but here are a few highlights...
On confidence: "I used to think that confidence came from what other people thought about me, and boys and everything else. But now I realize that confidence comes from what I feel about myself, and reassuring myself that I can do whatever I want and be whoever I want. Just knowing and setting up my future for a great life."
On friendship: "I like to have friends in my life who believe they're going places and are working toward their dreams. When you're growing and the people around you aren't, that's when you have to start shedding them. I've done that a lot over the past few years, but it has been so worth it, because the people in my life today inspire me to keep being creative, to have fun, and to be a good person."
Here are some of our other fave Demi quotes:
"I tell myself five things that I'm grateful for, for every negative thing that I think."
"There are going to be times where you will have bad days, bad weeks and even sometimes bad months-but rainbows always come after the darkest storm."
"Every day is a new opportunity to change your life and be who you want to be."