Caroline told the Daily Mail that she had her share of haters to contend with who called her a "cougar" and made death threats, as well as slammed her looks. She explained: "When the bullies first started it became a bit all-consuming and I got a bit lost in my thoughts. It was horrible. But the more you learn about Twitter the more you realize it's an outlet for people to be angry."
She added, "I was always comfortable in my own skin until people started criticizing it. They'd talk about my appearance and call me fat. At first I thought, 'What have I done wrong?' Now I know there are a lot of angry people out there. You don't get the ups without the downs, or the downs without the ups."
Caroline fired back at the Daily Mail over the article, tweeting: "I HATE complaining but ....Daily Mail Wkd Mag. I did not say I had therapy after a 'certain relationship,' Its not true. Why exploit mental health for sensationalism?"