So, what's it for: A school project...a charity event...a party? Nothing. Nothing at all, actually. The guys at Epic Meal Time like to make high-calorie meals and apparently their 6 million YouTube subscribers like watching it happen.
In this instance, the calorie count came in at 72,770. In case you're not in the mood for math, that's over 36 DAYS worth of calories. Or, if you ate the whole thing in one day, you would theoretically gain 20 pounds on the spot.
That being the case, we won't be making our own Nutella pyramid, but it is kind of crazy to see the one these guys made, although we're not totally on board with the whole wasting food thing. That part isn't as cool. Actually, it's not cool at all, especially when you're talking about something as precious as Nutella. Not cool, guys...
(h/t EliteDaily)