The driver of the white car was a 14-year-old boy who had reportedly taken his grandfather's car without permission. The car was reported as stolen and when police finally caught up with him, a high-speed pursuit began.
As if those situations aren't already dangerous enough, the teenager was driving through neighborhoods and even went flying through a park where children were playing. In the video below, you can see just how close this came to becoming a horrific tragedy.
Fearing for the safety of his own children and those in the park, Bryson Rowley sprung into action. "He did not want the car to hit all of the children, or any of the children, and he actually pulled his truck in the way so the car collided with the truck," a police officer told Fox 13 news.
When news of what he did go out, Bryson was hailed as a hero. Fundraising websites to repair his truck were established and multiple body shops even offered to fix it for free.
As for Bryson, he says he doesn't consider himself a hero. "I was just trying to do what is right," he said, adding that the car is fixable, but you can't replace the human lives that could have been lost.
The moment of impact can be seen on the video below.