But since we're decent human beings and because we have no idea what kind of struggles with food, body image or whatever, that they may or may not be going through, we leave them alone about it. We don't mock them or put them on blast about whether or not they actually took a bite out of that cupcake. Who cares, anyway?
If someone posts a picture of a crazy cool staircase, do we get mad if we find out they didn't actually CLIMB the staircase? No. And if you do get mad about that kind of stuff, you might want to find a hobby or something.
Anyway, this Instagram account is entirely dedicated to calling out skinny people who are holding photos of food that whoever is running this account doesn't think they actually consumed.
"Speaking the truth in this mixed up world of too many macarons and ice cream cones used as props. Because really... Youdidnoteatthat," the info on the account with over 86,000 followers reads. Of course, there are generally mean comments to accompany the photos that they've pulled from people's pages.
Because we're reporting on the account and why we think it sucks and NOT trying to shame these people into shoving food into their faces, we've cropped accordingly.

(h/t Jezebel)