You've seen funny old ladies do movie reviews, twerk and even critique Beyonce's latest video, but you haven't seen the weather.
Actor David Krumholtz, who some of you may best know from classics like Santa Clause and 10 Things I Hate About You, has transformed himself into an old Jewish grandmother named Gigi to give you your daily weather report. Here, David takes us behind the (four-and-a-half-hour) costume change as we get to know Gigi a little better.
C: Was Gigi your idea?
DK: "It was actually the idea of my buddy Ricky and a couple other guys. Ricky called me and said 'Hey, you do an old Jewish lady impression right?' and I said 'Yeah, I do. Kinda sorta I guess.' He said 'Would you want to do it?' and I said 'Yeah, but I don't want to do it if I'm in drag because then it's just kind of stupid' so I asked if there's any way we could get prosthetic make-up done and I didn't mean a full mask, just a couple pieces but before you know it we got the guy who did Bad Grandpa and I became this old lady. I enjoy being her much more than I enjoy being myself."
C: How long does it actually take to become Gigi?
DK: "The whole thing took four and a half hours. It was the first time any of us had tried it out and it just came together so nicely. Towards the end of it, when she started coming to life, she looked a little or maybe a lot like my grandmother who had passed away about 20 years ago. The impression I'm doing- the voice, the character is based on her but I didn't expect to look like her. I kind of got a little choked up."
C: Where does Gigi live?
DK: "She lives in Boca Raton, Florida. If you watch enough of the videos she'll tell you that and hold it over you about how great her weather is compared to everybody else's. She has sunshine almost every day of the year. Her thing is, Why wouldn't you move to Boca? Why would you sit in the cold?"
C: What does Gigi think of the weather in Hollywood? And Hollywood in general?
DK: "I'm sure she thinks it's fine. Maybe a little hazardous and surrounded by a bunch of Hollywood actresses who are fake and she's all real, all woman. Nothing is fake about her, so if you want to be around a real person, stay out of Hollywood."
C: Gigi's voice is quite masculine.
DK: "That was kind of part of the deal. She smoked for 30 years, so she has a bit of a raspy feel. But she quit smoking 2 years ago and good for her because it added a few good years to her life and hopefully she'll be around for a long time annoying people and telling them what the weather is."
C: Biggest challenge of becoming Gigi?
DK: "The biggest challenge is not going up to every man and hitting on them. I'm heterosexual, but its so awesome when you dress up as anything or another gender because people look at you like a woman. So it was great kind of flirting with the young men on set and going straight up to them and saying 'If I was 30 years younger, I would rock your world. Believe me.' I think I did sexually harass a couple of men on set."
C: Has Gigi ever stepped out in public?
DK: "We only did it one time and we were in a place like a warehouse where there was nothing around, but we were like 'Aw man this would be so awesome if I could get in the car and drive to a convenient store and see what happens.' Maybe next time."
C: Did you pre-tape all the different weather in one day?
DK: "We filmed 35 types that day, it took about 4 hours to film cause it's just me sitting on my lounge chair. And you think 'Well there can't be more than 35 types of weather' but you can really get more specific with it and hopefully we get to do more and cover every little kind of change in the weather."
C: You started acting at a young age, what's the secret to longevity in this business?
DK: "Niceness. I've worked with some really talented people who aren't very nice and they don't work for a long time. And I've worked with some mediocre people, maybe myself included, that have worked consistently and I think it's just professionalism and niceness. And sort of being aware of the privilege of what we get to do. I'm not shoveling shit, this is kindergarten. That privilege has never been lost on me and I bring that spirit and attitude to every job I do."
C: You actually gave the movie Superbad its title. Were there any other alternatives?
DK: "I don't think there were. I might be wrong with this one, but it was just called 'Untitled Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg Project.' Superbad was a name that stuck from very early on. It's cool that the movie is kind of a classic and people love it. Superbad doesn't really imply anything, but it works perfectly for the movie. I'm glad they kept it and went with it."
C: Any future projects that you can tell us about?
DK: "I'm doing a thing right now called Sausage Party, which is also written by Seth and Evan. It should be out sometime next summer. It's CGI animated, sort of like Toy Story, but really dirty. There's a bunch of food trying to escape a super market. And I play a lavash wrap, do you know what that is? It's basically a middle eastern flour tortilla. I play that."