"I was on the phone with my mom and I kept hearing noises in the back," she told the local paper. "It was a huge scare," she said. Well, that's putting it lightly.
The paper noted that she was still shaken up from the incident, even eight days later. Man, at least give her a day for every freaking FOOT of snake. We're shaken up just from the picture!
Anyone who has ever wanted to flee the state after they come across a spider in the house can certainly relate to the scare you'd get from finding this monstrosity in your bathroom.
Seriously, though, this is like every little kid's worst nightmare come true. How do you tell your kids there aren't snakes inside the toilet (come on, you know you thought the same thing when you were five) when there are pictures like this floating around on the Internet?!
Animal control eventually wrangled the snake and...wait for it...returned it to its owner! So, this was someone's pet, someone who clearly wasn't keeping an eye on their 12-FOOT PYTHON, which means he could theoretically sleuth his way right back into this poor girl's bathroom again.
Yeah, we'd be gettin' the hell out of Dodge ASAP after that one. And you can keep whatever was in that bathroom. Yuck!
(h/t E! Online)