File this one under things we wish we were kidding about.
Two students at the University of Georgia students wanted to get out of taking their final exams so bad that they posted an ad on Craigslist asking if someone would hit them with a car so they wouldn't have to take them, according to Buzzfeed.com.
Listed under the jobs section of Craigslist, the ad read: "Hit Man Wanted (UGA): I am looking for someone to run my friend and I over with their car. We do not want to die, we just want to be injured enough to get out of taking our finals here at UGA. Please do not kill."
As for the pay for the "gig," there was no money involved. Apparently, the students thought "hitting two lovely ladies by vehicle with permission" was compensation enough, considering that's what they listed as the payment.
We wonder if anyone responded to this...