"There are all these peers judging you, and you're never cool enough, never wearing the right outfit, saying the right thing," she explains. "You don't get out of middle school. You don't get out of high school. There are always going to be people saying you're a slut because you went out on a date on Friday, or you're a bitch because you didn't call somebody back because you have a life."
"I want everyone to like me. Who doesn't?" Jen says. "But if they don't, you've gotta move on. Then you grow up and become famous, and it's the same thing multiplied by a billion!" In addition to being glamorous, it's also clearly stressful being an A-list starlet, which is why she started getting panic attacks last year during her Hunger Games press tour.
"I thought I was having a heart attack," the 23-year-old shares. "The only thing I can do is work hard and do my best and be myself, mostly because I don't have a choice. You reach that point of anxiety that you finally go, 'It's out of my hands.'"
That doesn't mean she never Googles herself or reads mean comments. She limits herself to doing that once a month, at a certain time of month. "I'll be PMSing and just in the mood for a cry. In fact, the first thing I'm doing after I leave this interview is Googling 'Jennifer Lawrence backlash,'" she says. (Jen also told the writer that she was on her period that day, BTW.)
We think her advice about doing your best and being yourself is great for everyone to follow, famous or not.