And we get it. They're grown men and can make their own decisions, but the fandom does get worried about their health. So, drop the ciggies, alright?
Yucky habits aside, Zayn and Liam were shirtless at the pool (Harry too!), with Liam enjoying the water and Zayn content to hang out in jeans and a hat (wasn't he hot?).
Twitter lit up with worry, however, like @Niallinaburrito_1m, who tweeted: "@Real_Liam_Payne you know that smoking kills right? Im sorry if this makes u feel bad,but I couldnt live if the ciggs took you away from me" and "tomlinobsessed_16h, who wrote "@Real_Liam_Payne WHY DO U NEED TO SMOKE WHEN UR ALREADY SMOKING HOT"