Justin just responded to Seth's epic "Bieber is a piece of s**t" comment that started floating around back when the singer was arrested for DUI in Miami a few months ago. It all resurfaced again when Seth did an interview with Howard Stern last week, totally ripping JB a new one again.
Surprisingly, Bieber has kept quiet about the whole thing until now. Thursday morning he posted on Twitter, "Seth Rogan, sorry I didnt bow down when I asked 2 meet u," misspelling the comic's last name. "Was probably a bit shy and didn't want to be over the top but still. love ur movies."
Ok, he wasn't THAT big of a jerk like we expected. Did he realize that Seth is pretty much awesome? The dude is funny AND isn't afraid to take on politics...need we say more?
All of this comes after Seth said Justin acted like a d-bag when they met a few years ago. He even compared meeting him to meeting Zac Efron.
"When I met Zac Efron, one of the most endearing things is that he recognized, that as a Disney star, or I as a man in my late 20s/early 30s, would f**king hate him. Because why wouldn't I?" Seth said during that interview with Howard.
"Justin Bieber had zero f**ing percent of that. No humility, no awareness, no sense that 'I appeal to young, young people, maybe a grown man who works in comedy doesn't f**king give a shit about me. Maybe I should act in such a way that perhaps this isn't the great experience of his f**king life.'"
Do you think Justin's tweet will settle this beef or did it just make things worse? Are you on Team Bieber or Team Rogen?