That makes things handy if they ever decide to start dating again.
According to Kendall's aunt Karen, Kris Jenner was a big Hazza fan (who isn't, really?) explaining to Heat magazine (via Sugarscape.com), "Kris liked it when Kendall was with Harry Styles. He was such a great guy -- very polite and respectful and, for someone so young, very mature. Kendall and Harry are still very good friends."
Polite, respectful, mature. Oh Harry, you are a mom's dream pick for her daughter.
Auntie Karen added, "Kris wants what's best for her daughters and wants them to be happy with whomever they choose to be with. She can only support what all her daughters want, because she wants what's best for them and her whole family."
Do you think Kendall and Harry will ever rekindle their relationship?