Filed under: Cambio News
Maci Bookout recently posted a Keek video where she is frustrated that she can't find a parking spot on her college campus, but what she says next has some saying she's a hypocrite.Maci Bookout posted a Keek video yesterday ranting about how she's having trouble finding parking on her college campus.
Definitely a normal (and all too common) complaint, but what struck us as strange was what Maci said during the rant.
"My first week back and school," she begins. "And every time, I just wait for all the people who aren't taking school seriously to drop their classes so that it doesn't take me, freaking, my entire life to find a parking spot."
"So, hopefully in three weeks, all of these morons will be gone," she continues.
Wait? Didn't we watch Maci drop college classes a couple of times on Teen Mom?
So, basically now that she doesn't need to drop the classes, anyone who does is a "moron" and not taking school seriously?
Seems a little hypocritical considering she's been in that situation before and there are a lot more factors that can influence the need to drop a class.
What do you guys think? Is she being hypocritical?